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MY OMH soap


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It's goat's milk M&P with ground oatmeal, and one batch has tea tree oil in it (which is an antiseptic and supposedly good for pimples ;) ) and the other batch is part "scrubby" (oatmeal settled) and part plain soap. :)

Let's see if I can do this without the links, just the picture in the msg. *crossing fingers*

Yeah, I fixed it so they come up in the msg. I'm sooo happy!! LOL



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Ok, there they are now. They look pretty good, but I'm going to add that I did the ground oatmeal too and I found (after a failed attempt with ground coffee) that if you wait to pour until its just about ready to set up, the oatmeal suspends better! Pour cooler next time! :)

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Ok, there they are now. They look pretty good, but I'm going to add that I did the ground oatmeal too and I found (after a failed attempt with ground coffee) that if you wait to pour until its just about ready to set up, the oatmeal suspends better! Pour cooler next time! :)

Mary- I did those with those like that on purpose so that I would have a real "scrubbie" side. ;) I did some with it suspended throughout and some with it sunken down. :)

This soap feels and smells sooooooooooooooooo good, I can't wait to get my SFIC soap from Abbie (co-op) so I can do some more. :D

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Oh sorry Mary Lou, I meant to respond to you last night about the mold- I got it from Foxhill here in the classifieds, but I can ask her where she got it. ;)

It really is a very very nice mold, it's actually the nicest mold I have right now, very heavy plastic, but enough give to kind of twist it in order to help the soaps out. :)

I'll ask Jennifer (Foxhill) for you.

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