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CP Honey Spa Ginger


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Formulated a new CP recipe last night and I'm quite pleased with the early results. It hardens up fast and has lots of bubbleage already. I can't believe I could cut & trim it 9 hours after pour! :shocked2: But at the rate it was hardening, I was afraid to wait any longer.


CP notes: 4lb. batch, 33% solution, full gel.

Scent: Honey Spa Ginger 1oz ppo, minor A, no D so far, great scent!

Color: Labcolors Emerald & Peach + TD.

Note to self: blend colors & TD with whisk next time to eliminate speckle problem. ;)



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Thanks, everyone! :) Yes, contrary to my usual colorfulness I decided to go pastel with this scent because it seemed more spa-like that way. They are a tad more towards peach than the picture shows.

17 hours total and they are so hard I can't put finger dents in them. Is this typical for all of you? I've never had soap harden up this fast (CP or HP) so I'm surprised.

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Quote: "CP notes: 4lb. batch, 33% solution, full gel.

Scent: Honey Spa Ginger 1oz ppo, minor A, no D so far, great scent!

Color: Labcolors Emerald & Peach + TD.

Note to self: blend colors & TD with whisk next time to eliminate speckle problem."

Some day I hope to learn this foreign language LOL. I swear I feel intellegent until I start reading this kind of stuff ~ yikes! And I thought all I needed was to get over my fear of lye ...

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Aw c'mon ;) you can do it! the vocab I have down, it's the techniques I still need work on!

A = acceleration (reaches trace more quickly, if very fast A then WATCH OUT or you'll get soap on a stick)

D = discoloration

ppo = per pound oils (ingredient oils)

33% solution: lye solution was 33% lye, 67% water

TD: titanium dioxide

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Oh man, I like!

Beautiful coloring.

I tested a heavy palm recipe recently that did that too mags... it set up, out of the mold and cut in less than 9 hours. It bubbled like crazy and was hard as a rock from the get go. I was thinking it was because of all the palm since my usual base recipe doesn't use that much and takes about 16 hours before I can usually unmold it. I also noticed the test batch had a white mottling within the soap similar to a candle. Weird, eh?

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