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Anyone heard of Clark Valley Soy Company?

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Very nice site..

What a great marketing idea..(The reusable tumblers)

Looks like they just sell wholesale.

Wonder how they burn... Did Mrs. Geek get you one to test??

I went to the store and bought one, but she wanted me to go there to see some of those purses she saw on Despearate Housewives. She's trolling for an anniversary present, our 10th anniversary is on the 13th. She told me she really wants a new storm door for the front porch, but you and I both know ;) she wants something else too!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Geek,

Yes, I have heard of Clark Valley Soy - they are my neighbors of sorts. I'm in Lakeville, MN and they are about 25 minutes away from me in Cannon Falls. As for theirs being the longest burning soy candle, I'm not 100% on that. But that is for other people to decide since I can't bring myself to say possibly negative things about other people's products (I just don't work that way - could lead to bad karma, ya know! I just focus on me and mine :) ). The only thing I can say about them is that when I contacted them a few years ago (if I remember I sent them two emails from two seperate accounts at different times), they never got back to me. I wanted to purchase their candles wholesale for my gift baskets and for my mom's flowershop. But I guess I have to thank them too as if they had responded to me, I probably wouldn't be making my own candles and LOVING IT!! Let me know how they test burn for you - it would be interesting to see if they have changed at all since four or so years ago when I purchased one. :)

Life & Light!


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I have burned the candle abnormally to see how it behaved, however the intial burn was for four hours. I got a Green Apple scented one. I think I have major candlenose, cause I can only smell it if I stand over it. But mrs. geek says it smells great! We just have it in the bedroom and light it for special occasions :grin2: It appears to be burning fine, and sets up just like a soy candle does. Only a small touch of frosting on the top.

If I were just a candle customer, and did not make my own, I would buy more of these.


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I'm glad to hear that they burn well still. Sometimes a candle company gets big and they forget the little things that are important. The candle I had burned to scent my bathroom (6x8) but did little more than that. I have purchased other candles that couldn't even do that though so it's all good! :) The funny thing is I wish they had an internet site that was retail because they have alot of the food scents that I don't like to do and I'd refer my customers to them rather than pour one or two coconut cream pies or something (I think it's yucky but I'm a weird duck!). I already have a scent list of 27 or so *regular* scents but only three or four food scents (not counting my berry scents - there is just something I love about berries!). When someone asks me if I have a certain scent, I usually tell them to check out so-and-so just because I can't make everyone happy might as well send the business to someone I know makes a quality candle! :)

Life & Light!


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