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Anyoe use the whisk forums


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I'm on The Whisk and Soap Dish Forum (although, the Dish is down right now). I think you'll find more HPers on The Dish.

I may be searching wrong on the dish but it seems everytime I try a search over there I get a lot of threads that have nothing to do with what I searched for

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I've been a member of the Whisk since it's first day. We'll vouch for you! But remember Olivia hasn't been around very much lately and she is the only one who can activate your account

Thank you !! I dont mind waiting

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I've applied at the whisk too, but you need someone to vouch for you. I can't even read the forums just for research till that happens... So here's hoping my fingers are crossed too. I heard there were lots of Aussies on there so i'm hoping to be able to chat to some of them and see where they get most of there stuff and if its different to where i get mine..

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Wow, what a coincidence, I was just about to post and see if there were any CT's on the Whisk.

I too applied, but received an emailing stating that I had to know someone on the Whisk that would vouch for me.

I'm slowing venturing into B&B, so I wanted to find another source of helpful research and feedback.


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It's good to hear that others have been having a time of it getting approved. I've applied twice also...didn't want to be pesty, but never got a yes or no either. I absolutely love forums, I've learned much from them. Hey, I know, maybe we can form a soaping prayer circle, lol! {please, no disrespect intended}

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It's good to hear that others have been having a time of it getting approved. I've applied twice also...didn't want to be pesty, but never got a yes or no either. I absolutely love forums, I've learned much from them. Hey, I know, maybe we can form a soaping prayer circle, lol! {please, no disrespect intended}

I'm all for a soapers prayer circle!!:D I need all the soaping help I can get!

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Are you all using the same names as here? I'll look at the pending list and vouch for you.

WOW :drool: Thanks jwahlton I'm still angel2211, if ever you see angel2211 on the internet it's usually a pretty safe bet that it is me :D . On the fish forums if there is someone new there from another forum and see me they know instantly who it is....lol

Thanks a bunch i'm sure i speak for everyone here. Your an angel to do this for us and it is extremely appreciated. (dang can't find an angel or halo smilie to enter here for you sorry)

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I too applied, but received an emailing stating that I had to know someone on the Whisk that would vouch for me.

I guess they must be quite selective on who can join. I was wondering though, how you would find someone to vouch for you if you couldn't get in there to see who the members are and see if you know anyone. Other than doing it through other boards like this, of course.
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I was wondering though, how you would find someone to vouch for you if you couldn't get in there to see who the members are and see if you know anyone.

When I joined a little while ago I didn't know who was really on there either. I just made sure to tell them my name on other boards. (like here I'm Karen B, show's my creativity level is at about zero) :D

Anyway as long as you put your screen name & what other boards you visit when somebody recognizes you they'll vouch for you. It's just like any other board where you have to register to get access. It's Olivia's way of keeping it a nice smooth running board, she isn't trying to be "selective" just trying to keep out the ones who are known for doing things like taking money & running.

Just her idea to keep out the bad elements, thankfully you don't have to be a **talented** soaper to get in otherwise I wouldn't be there. :laugh2:

Karen B

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YOu request to join, giving some info. Olivia puts the post in an area for members to review applicants. We "vouch" for those we know and they are usually immediately approved. It's Olivia's board and that's they way she wants it. Lots of talanted people from all over. You would recognize a lot of names for sure!


I guess they must be quite selective on who can join. I was wondering though, how you would find someone to vouch for you if you couldn't get in there to see who the members are and see if you know anyone. Other than doing it through other boards like this, of course.
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Can you vouch fo rme too, I believe I signed up as thecandlespastore and I have been waiting for over a month to get in:(

I registered over there as MNAnnie. I would REALLY appreciate if anyone could vouch for me. Thank uou!

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