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Tested Cappuccino Hazelnut by peak


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I couldn't wait to smell it.. but it doesn't smell like a cappuccino at all.. it's only coffee and something sweet, it could be a coffee ice cream.. or a toffee- but not cappuccino.

I love so much cappuccino! I still have to decide if I should keep it and rename it.

I'm depressed!

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Could it be that our cappuccinos here are not as good as the ones in Italy? My impression of this FO is that it's a coffee but more milky smelling than just plain black coffee.

I think this could be the reason, coffee outside italy is not coffee we are used to. Many of us when travel around the world don't drink coffee, because it's different.

I could not smell anything milk.

I'm not saying it's a bad FO, only cappuccino is just another story. And there is no way a cappuccino could be topped with hazelnut here!!!!

I don't intend to offend, it's just to chat about this FO.

Thanks to all for chiming in!

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Dont know about there but here you can add coffee liqours(sp?) to espresso or whatever to get the flavor you want..like hazelnut, vanilla, chocolate, etc..so that makes sense here guess there it does not..would love to come to italy and try your version of cappuccino..cause me LOOVVVEEE it.. eps iced...with loads of whipped cream.:drool:

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No, the coffee drinks sold here could not measure up to the fancy stuff drunk in Italy. Did you buy a big bottle of this FO or just a small amount to try? Hope it was just a small amount. If you did have to sell this scent to locals, you might be better off renaming it to something else so they do not have this expectation of it smelling like the real thing.

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When my sister visited from Italy, she was not impressed with OUR cappuccino...so she would probably agree with you! ;)

I just drink plain, black coffee, so I am no judge of a good cappuccino hazelnut FO.

I think this could be the reason, coffee outside italy is not coffee we are used to. Many of us when travel around the world don't drink coffee, because it's different.

I could not smell anything milk.

I'm not saying it's a bad FO, only cappuccino is just another story. And there is no way a cappuccino could be topped with hazelnut here!!!!

I don't intend to offend, it's just to chat about this FO.

Thanks to all for chiming in!

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Hi there, first of all I knew about the hazelnut, but I was thinking to smell cappuccino then hazelnut.

Here in this far land coffee and cappuccino are simple. In the last years some chains started to offer various mixes, but the tradition is tradition!!!

I have a small bottle, so no waste, but it is still a good fragrance, so maybe I will keep it and just rename it.

I don't know if you know Pocket Coffee by Ferrero-Roche. They are chocolate filled with liquid coffee, and that's what comes to my mind.

I will keep on testing coffee related scents,

but believe me, if you want to know cappuccino and coffee come here (maybe with a bag full of samples. Thank you!):laugh2:

Thanks to all

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Would love to go to the homeland (Italy), but that probably isn't gonna happen :(

I do know of the chocolate you speak about (well not the coffee filled one -- I don't know if I could stomach that lol) but the makers. Delicious stuff!

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Scented, if you don't like coffee there's not much to do, but that chocolate is pretty good.

I love coffee alone, I don't love it in bakery or ice cream, but those are something I can eat.

Do you want me to send you some?;)

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I think Peaks Creme Brulee smells like a Vanilla Cappuccinno. The first Creme Brulee I bought was BCN and I thought it was wonderful. Then I bought a Peaks here in the classifieds and I didn't think it smelled at all like BCN's but I still loved it. I pour it in the coffee mugs at Christmas and it sells like crazy and I call it French Vanilla Cappuccino. Of course I live in small town USA so the only cappuccino I have ever had is the kind you get at convenience stores! lol.

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