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Your Suggestions?

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I'm planning to make a large basket for an engagement gift for one of my daughter's friend. I wouldn't normally include 4 26-oz jars in one basket, but since it's a close friend I wanted to do something special, so I thought of making "seasonal" tri-layered candles for the basket and would love to get suggestions from you all. It's interesting to see what combos different people come up with--the only thing I'm pretty definite on is that I've fallen in love with NG's pumpkin crunch cake FO, so I want that to be the top layer of the autumn candle. I really don't like florals, but she might, so I'm debating about a floral trio for spring, maybe melons for summer. What suggestions do you guys have?



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Very cool gift. Well I dont' know if any of these would be good, but here are some suggestions:

Pumpkin Crunch (the one you like)

Vanilla (probably any you have) or I love country kitchen from JS

Cinnamon buns (I use peaks)


Apple Cinnamon or Apple Cider



Clean Cotton


Hmmm...brain is stuck on the floral combination...will think about it

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What about an herbal one that will be a "relaxing" scent, we all know how twisted up when we got married. :rolleyes2



Spearmint or Vanilla

or a romantic one...

Amber Romance

Midsummer Nights

Ambra di Nepal

What a nice gift, and you'll have to tell us what you decide! :cheesy2:

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OK something that might be good together:




(You might, if you are looking for a floral trio, do a google for the meaning of flowers. You could pick your three by what each is supposed to mean.)

Now as for romance candles, I like that idea. However, women do like Drakkar (not the midsummer night's imitation, semi-resemblence of it though) and add something else like Satin Sheets maybe or a VS dupe.

Or in another one you could do Strawberry Musk, Love Spell, Goddess or something like that ... just rename strawberry musk.

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I'm reading all your great-sounding suggestions and narrowing them down to FOs I already have on hand, and I didn't have any of the perfume or romantic ones suggested, until I read the suggestion of Satin Sheets--which I personally love.

I also have Lovespell, Passionate Purple, Angel type, and Sweet Pea, which are all perfume types. Since I don't really like any of them I'm not a good judge, so I have to get your opinions--do you think any combo of those listed above (and/or Satin Sheets) would work well?



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One of my favorite 3 layers is: Lemon Sugar, Pink Lemonade, and Key Lime Pie.

Another great one I just did for another CT'er is a 5 layer (I call it Sherbert Cake):

Bottom layer: White Cake

Second layer: Kiwi

Middle layer: White Cake

Fourth layer: Watermelon

Top layer: White Cake

Also, A really good floral that is reminiscent of Hawaiian Florals is:




Optional : add a smidge of Rose

Or, you could layer a Blueberry FO and a coffe FO and call it Blueberry Coffee. I usually just mix equal amounts of those two FO's and make a single layer candle, but you could alternate the scents to layer it. YUMMY!

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Some great suggestions here!! I can't wait to get into my candle room and start whipping up some of these.

Unfortunately, I'm out of business for a couple of weeks since we just had new windows put in and I had to move everything--figured that would be the perfect time to reorganize that room. When I made those plans, though, I didn't realize the house my son has been trying to buy for 2 months would finally close last Friday, so we're spending every spare minute over there painting and trying to help them get ready to move (DIL is miserably pregnant and not much help, so we're trying to do as much as we can).

Well, I certainly got off-topic, didn't I??!! Again, thanks for the suggestions--I can't wait to get into them! By the way, I would never have thought of blueberry coffee--and I have a pound of blueberry that doesn't sell at all for me, so I'm going to give it a whirl!


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I agree on the melon advice...cucumber melon is made with honeydew melon.

you could do lemon, mandarin orange, lime

jasmine, honeysuckle, lilac

lavender, hydrangea,white lilac

or like a watermelon boat (here are alot of options depending on how you want it to look)

lemon sugar

whipped cream







mandarin orange

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