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Room/Linen Spray base


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Can anyone recommend a Room/Linen Spray base that they have really liked? I orded one (5 gal.!) from one company and am not really pleased with it. It has a "chemical" smell under the fragrance, and I don't think that the fragance is carried well in the room (I do shake before I spray). It says the max FO I can use is 2% (1 tsp. per 8oz.) I used this much. I have heard that some r/l bases need to/can be watered down. Is that true with any base, or do the companies reccomend it? Does it help cut down on the "chemical" smell, or just stretch out the base?

Also, the bottles I got were a great deal, but the sprayers don' have a very fine mist. Any suggestions?

Thanks so much!


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I make my own. It can be used for a body spray or a linen or room spray.

50% SDA alcohol

40% water

2.5% fragrance

2.5% polysorbate 20

If you want to use less (or more) fragrance, just use the same amount of PS20 and short the water by that amount.

Some fo's will still be too heavy. Stir this up and let it set overnight. If there is a layer at the bottom just carefully pour the top part into bottles and discard what settled to the bottom. The scent will be in the top part. No need to shake it when you make it like this. I'd still do a small test batch with new fo's to make sure everything is going to work alright.

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BCN has one that is a room, body, hair spray! I sell a ton of this since it is a multi-purpose spray. It does need to be shaken before each use so I bottle it in frosted bottles so you don't see the separation. I just order the Js and I like that one as well but linen only.

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I think I may have come up with a solution! The base was rather thick and soapy. I have diluted it with distilled water (50%). This has cleared up the "chemical" smell (nail polish smell, really) and now my fine mist sprayers actually spray a fine mist. I'm glad not to waste the 5 gal, as it cost quite a bit with shipping, and now I get twice as much! :)

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I use the body spray base from WSP..it is the first one I have used that is NOT sticky on the skin..so I don't worry about it being sticky on other things..I tried Millcreeks and also keystones..but I like the WSP version much better...I think because there is no alcohol in it.

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I use the body spray base from WSP..it is the first one I have used that is NOT sticky on the skin..so I don't worry about it being sticky on other things..I tried Millcreeks and also keystones..but I like the WSP version much better...I think because there is no alcohol in it.

pamperme, can you tell me how much FO you use with their BodySpray Base? I am having a little trouble getting it to be strong enough. I had to make a whole bunch of 2 ounce sized bottles(all different scents, of course!) & when I used the guidelines from WSP, it just wasn't strong enough. I'd love any guidance at all, thanks!! How much FO would you use if you were making a 2 ouncer of it? Thanks so much

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I used the maximum they suggested..pink sugar came out pretty strong..it is the one I use regularly..remember this is a body spray not a perfume..it is on the bottom of the strength list.. perfumes are stronger than cologne, cologne is stronger than body spray.

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I used the maximum they suggested..pink sugar came out pretty strong..it is the one I use regularly..remember this is a body spray not a perfume..it is on the bottom of the strength list.. perfumes are stronger than cologne, cologne is stronger than body spray.

Not mine. My body sprays are much stronger and longer lasting than colognes or perfumes.

I use Cyclo, FCO, Vit.E & FO.

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Not mine. My body sprays are much stronger and longer lasting than colognes or perfumes.

I use Cyclo, FCO, Vit.E & FO.

that is great..at what % do you use the Fo

perfumes are supposed to be the strongest ..I have link saved at home with the info on it about what is strongest to weakest..and the amounts of oils vs/ FO's used in them...i will have to dig that up when I get home and post it..got some good info on it.

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that is great..at what % do you use the Fo

perfumes are supposed to be the strongest ..I have link saved at home with the info on it about what is strongest to weakest..and the amounts of oils vs/ FO's used in them...i will have to dig that up when I get home and post it..got some good info on it.

I not sure what % but I use 1/4oz FO in a 2oz PET Bullet.

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that is great..at what % do you use the Fo

perfumes are supposed to be the strongest ..I have link saved at home with the info on it about what is strongest to weakest..and the amounts of oils vs/ FO's used in them...i will have to dig that up when I get home and post it..got some good info on it.

Ooh....if you could find that & post it I'd be very interested in reading it!thanks.

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  • 2 months later...
Has anyone tried the body/room spray base from The Candle Source? I'm thinking about ordering some.


I believe that it is the same base that WSP sells as Luxury Moisturizing Mist and that soapandthings.com sells as their Luxury Moisturizing Mist Base. So you have some options of where to order it from, I guess, you can choose where to get it, based on what other things you may need to order at the same time. If you check the ingredients sideByside, they are identical.

I have recently tried WSP's & like it because it can be used as both a body spray and a room/linen spray. Most Linen spray bases are not skin safe, so I like it for that reason. As a body spray, it is very nice & light, but I find that the scent doesn't last as long as I'd wish it had. But, for myself, I've just been re-spritzing when the scent fades.

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I love the WSP one..I have tried 3 different ones and like it the best.. no alcohol either ..which is nice..seems better on the skin..and was not as sticky as the other ones I tried.

............Oh yea, that too: NO sticky feeling at all. Just nice & light & refreshing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just tried the WSP body mist and I found it a little sticky at first, but then it was pretty silky. I went by their guidelines and used 1/2 tsp of FO per 16 oz of base - I think I'll go up a little more on the FO though because it was a little too light for me. But is there any way to get rid of that 10 minutes of sticky-ness? I'm just worried about first impressions when people may test it....

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