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Plastic dixie cups

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I sent my Mom to the store the other day to get me some paper dixie cups to weigh my FO's in. Well she came back with the little plastic type. I used them for several fo's. Tonight I did some mixing of FO's and the concoction ate through the bottom of the cup! Makes me wonder what I am breathing in!:undecided

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A lot of FO's will do that to plastic cups; and papercups, they like to soak through the cup as well. Better to measure in a shot glass or a metal cup, just to be safe. FO is too expensive to waste. :D

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A lot of FO's will do that to plastic cups; and papercups, they like to soak through the cup as well. Better to measure in a shot glass or a metal cup, just to be safe. FO is too expensive to waste. :D

Great Idea Kaybee23! I was really disappointed too! I was mixing banana, blueberry and strawberry! I will invest in some shot glasses this weekend!

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Some cheap plastic bottles will give you trouble too. My brother and his girlfriend bought me a bunch of oils for my birthday and repackaged some of them in dollar store bottles. The cherry berry completely ate the bottle and soaked through the box. Got my present a week early... they were afraid they'd all leak.

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Wallyworld has the measuring shot glasses for like $2 and you can always rewash them and reuse them..cheaper in the long run than the paper anyway..plus it has the measurements on it..so if you want say .5oz of one fo..and 1 oz of another it is right on the shot glass:wink2: I love those things..I use them for B&B stuff to. Got lots.:D

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Someone mentioned that the pill bottles you get at the drug store work good. I just started trying them so not sure, but they haven't eaten thru yet! I also have used "Dixie cups" Spartan brand, the 5 oz ones, for years. That is the only size that is waxed. I re-use the same ones for each different FO numerous times before I throw them away and even tho I have had the FO sitting in them for a while I have never had one eat thru. :cool2: yet...:D

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you think thats bad! i put the oil in my tray on my first small scale i had got from walmart, talk about a messs:laugh2: i now use a metal votive cup, zero out my now bigger & better scale, pour oil into cup on my scale that is in a clear bag, stick around here you will live and learn from other's mistakes:rolleyes2

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you think thats bad! i put the oil in my tray on my first small scale i had got from walmart, talk about a messs:laugh2: i now use a metal votive cup, zero out my now bigger & better scale, pour oil into cup on my scale that is in a clear bag, stick around here you will live and learn from other's mistakes:rolleyes2

And I bet the f/o started eating away at the plastic on your nice new scale,too? :laugh2: Ask me how I know, lol. :D

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LOL! i knew it would eat thru plastic by now, the plastic is to keep wax smears off my scale, my wax is in granules, so when i dropped a few drops they would smear when i tried to wipe them off, now i keep old new papers under it then just turn the scale over to get off wax.:D i keep paper towel close by, for those time i do spill a little FO.

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I had plastic shelf liners in the cupboard I store my FO in. Learned real fast that FO melts through plastic! Even the little droplets that remained on the outside of the bottle ate through those puppies.

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