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created my own happy little recipe & unsure about it..pics page 2


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I usually just pick a recipe and follow it for cp, but I wanted to play on my own and learn to use the calculators and all that jazz.

from a more experienced soaper what do you think? would you soap it? might you like it?

15% Coconut

15% palm

15% lard

5% buffalo tallow that I entered as beef

30% OO

15% SAO

5% castor

will be a 3 lb batch so 6.59 on the lye and between 12-18 oz for the water

I was thinking 16

34 hardness

11 cleansing

63 conditioning

15 bubbly

28 creamy

65 iodine

140 INS

(I think) is that too low on the hardness? I really would like a harder bar. Is that low on the cleansing too?They are both just below the range given.

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Love your conditioning and creamy lather numbers. The fluffy lather is a bit low for my taste, but no big deal! If you like dense, creamy lather and don't care about too many initial big bubbles, this recipe will be great. If you wanted to improve the fluffy lather, you could bump the coconut up or pop in some pko -- you've got 'creamy lather' numbers to spare, so if that number went down a bit, I wouldn't worry.

But then again, sometimes you just have to try it and see how you like it. Honestly, I didn't even pay attention to the soapcalc numbers when I first started soaping! And my first batches were fine. It was only as I gained experience as a soaper that I started messing with the numbers. LOL

I'm sure you'll do fine. Happy soaping! :)

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Love your conditioning and creamy lather numbers. The fluffy lather is a bit low for my taste, but no big deal! If you like dense, creamy lather and don't care about too many initial big bubbles, this recipe will be great. If you wanted to improve the fluffy lather, you could bump the coconut up or pop in some pko -- you've got 'creamy lather' numbers to spare, so if that number went down a bit, I wouldn't worry.

But then again, sometimes you just have to try it and see how you like it. Honestly, I didn't even pay attention to the soapcalc numbers when I first started soaping! And my first batches were fine. It was only as I gained experience as a soaper that I started messing with the numbers. LOL

I'm sure you'll do fine. Happy soaping! :)

Those numbers make me crazy!! I'll be at work and be thinking about my oils sitting at home all alone and how they want to be soap and when I get home and start plugging in # then I end up running away from the computer. Add some of this, remove some of that, ooops made the conditioning # go down, change this oil, oops made the hardness go way down, on and on and on. I think I need to stay away from it for a while, find a simple recipe, soap it and if it works then start playing with it and the #. It's like I have just enough knowledge to know that I don't know what I'm doing. By jove I know how to use GM now though and thank you again:rolleyes2

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Ok! I soaped it!!!! I liked it so much I did 2 batches with it last night.

The trace was a bit faster than I am used to but not too fast that I couldn't work with it.

I did 2 3lb bathces.

Dreamsicle from Lebermuth with orange liquid color from NG and swirled with some TD that I added to what I pulled out. With 15 oz. of water

neon green mica (from the co-op) and violet UM from wsp scented Mardi Gras from NG. I used 14 oz. of water for this one

they look awesome in the mold! I can't wait to unmold them tonight and cut.

I am gonna stop and get film and post pics!

for scented: I can't comment yet on the properties of the bar with the buffalo tallow, but working with the buffalo tallow was gravy. It was a bit harder than my other oils and I don't like to heat up my oils too much and then have to wait for them to come back down so I stick blend the oils to help them melt together faster. The buffalo tallow was the only oil that didn't really want to melt so in the second batch I melted it seperately.

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Just a friendly reminder: Don't judge the soap by how it performs fresh outta the mold. I see so many soapers anxious to try a new recipe and are disappointed when they try it right away. Remember that CP needs a good solid cure before it will do its thing right. My soap just isn't quite up to par until about 6 weeks into the cure. Lather improves considerably upon further "aging."

Let us know how it worked! :)

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I know about curing but thanks for the tip!

I always have to try a piece of it right after I cut. The lather is nice very creamy and not big fluffy bubbles but I wasn't expecting those.

The Dreamsicle batch came out beautiful but the Mardi Gras must have been a bit to thick on the trace because the swirl was not what I hoped.

I am working on getting pics. I have to borrow a camera and will post them just as soon as I can

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  • 1 month later...

Looking good girl! Haven't tried the buffalo yet, cuz it smells kinda strong, does yours? Love the beef though! I am a number slut too, I just can't help myself. I have only had a few tried recipes given to me, so I have had to figure out most of them myself. I can spend hours plugging and chugging with different oils and percents :embarasse

I am not real experienced, but I think the recipe looks good! I prefer a creamy lather, cuz I like a lather that keeps regenerating itself without reloading :D Your moisturizing looks out of this world :yay:

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Ok! I lOVE it! The soap is great the lather is creamy and silky and awesome. I caught a sunburn last weekend so I had 'leather' skin until I started using this soap...super moisturizing! Love it!

I am gonna soap it a few more times and then consider making it a regular recipe!

Thanks for all the nice responses!

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