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Newbie Soaping Hell - a song for you :)


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Here's my tribute to everyone whose had soap gone wrong, especially my newbie buddies out there.

Sing to the tune of Jimmy Buffet's "Margaritaville"

Newbie Soaping Hell

Livin' on no sleep

'Cuz I can't but help peek

To see if the soap log's beginning to gel.

Is that a white ash spot?

Is it getting too hot?

I swear if this scent fades I'm going to yell!

Pacing the floor again in Newbie Soaping Hell,

Wishing for my next batch to turn out.

Some people claim that it's the goats milk to blame,

But I know...it's the soap gremlins' fault.

Don't know the reason

It keeps overheatin'

I've tried not to mix until everything's cool.

But even with that trick

I get soap on a big stick,

Or else a nice slab of gelatinous goo.

Pacing the floor again in Newbie Soaping Hell,

Wishing for my next batch to turn out.

Some people claim that it's the goats milk to blame,

But I know...it's the darn FO's fault.

So tired of blending,

It's been hours un-ending,

Can't get my oils to saponify.

Burnt out my stick blender

Now my arm's feelin' tender

'Cuz it won't come to trace...

-I forgot the damn lye!!!

Pacing the floor again in Newbie Soaping Hell,

Wishing for my next batch to turn out.

Some people claim that it's the goats milk to blame,

But I know...it's this dumb newbie's fault! :wink2:

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Not sure how to take that comment. Or the followup from AJ.

Did I miss an inside joke?

She is just giving me a hard time because on another board I mentioned how much I hate earworms. Heh heh

We're friends -- just messin' with each other. Don't worry; I'll get even with her. :laugh2:

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Okay AJ :)

Re earworms: I've had "Margaritaville" stuck in my head for 6, count 'em 6 days now! That's how I ended up with the little ditty above. The lyrics kept morphing as it cycled through my brain overandoverandoverandover, ad nauseum.

But as far as earworms go, I guess it could've been worse. I could have been whistling the theme from the Andy Griffith Show! :eek: :eek: :eek::laugh2:

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