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UltraClear MP Base??? Warning- pics are horrible


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I am having a heck of a time. I am only into mp and was trying this for the firs time today. Did it just like I do the goat milk and for some reason it doesnt come out clear as I have seen some people's and even though I mixed it real good and used the amount of FO that I was allowed- it was horrible.. These soaps are horrible and the only reason I am showing you this is because I need to find out what I am doing wrong. Never messed with this base before.. Any help would be much appreciated. I just pick up the soap and its so oily its not even funny. Slips right out of my hands.. Gross. EWWWW




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When I did M&P soap I used the ultraclear from WSP and it was very clear. Is their any vanilla in your fragrance oils?? The vanillas seem to cloud the soap base and so does getting it too warm. Just melt with short bursts in the microwave until its almost melted and stir to melt the remainder.

I like your soap and embeds .. what scent did you use?

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well thank god im not the only one!! i made gold fish bags with ultra clear and strawberrys n cream fo, and now they are absolutely brown, you cant even see the fish...im not sure what went wrong, but im inclined to blame the fo. kellyc

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They don't look that bad! Do they smell good at least? LOL

OK you said any help would be much appreciated, so here it goes :D

As far as the greasy feeling.. do you think you added too much oil/butter, I'm thinking to the embeds because if you add anything to the clear that'll cloud it up??

Did you pour your clear too hot as sometimes that'll melt your embeds and give a cloudy look.

Looks like alot of bubbles that came to the surface, did you spray with alcohol??

I know more ??s than help. They really are cute, what FO did u use??

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well thank god im not the only one!! i made gold fish bags with ultra clear and strawberrys n cream fo, and now they are absolutely brown, you cant even see the fish...im not sure what went wrong, but im inclined to blame the fo. kellyc

Kelly I'm going to say most definately your FO, as my Strawberry Jam FO turns M&P brown from the vanilla. You can use a Vanilla Stabilizer from WSP to help with that problem. I did the fish soap awhile back with Baby Powder and forgot the stabilizer so it turned brown. I just gave out the last of it a few weeks ago and said in was fish in pond water-LOL

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They don't look that bad! Do they smell good at least? LOL

OK you said any help would be much appreciated, so here it goes :D

As far as the greasy feeling.. do you think you added too much oil/butter, I'm thinking to the embeds because if you add anything to the clear that'll cloud it up??

Did you pour your clear too hot as sometimes that'll melt your embeds and give a cloudy look.

Looks like alot of bubbles that came to the surface, did you spray with alcohol??

I know more ??s than help. They really are cute, what FO did u use??


Yes, Amber Romance from GL.. I absolutely love this FO.. I did the embeds with it and the ultra clear base.

I added FO to both the emeds and the base.. Could that be the problem?? Too much fo?? Even though I measured right, that may be what's causing the greasiness. I didnt use any butters. I just remembered that when I do chunk candles, I fragrance both the cunks and the overpour for the hot throw.. Maybe I shouldn't do that on soap?? LMFAO OOPS

I did spray with alcohol but I only used like one squirt per bar. Maybe not enough ??? I think I poured the base way too hot.. Didn't give it any time to cool. OOPS! yes, I know.. I did my research, I knew I shouldn't have done that, but still did . yikes!

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When I did M&P soap I used the ultraclear from WSP and it was very clear. Is their any vanilla in your fragrance oils?? The vanillas seem to cloud the soap base and so does getting it too warm. Just melt with short bursts in the microwave until its almost melted and stir to melt the remainder.

I like your soap and embeds .. what scent did you use?

Not sure if Amber Romance has vanilla in it.. But I noticed its not clear when pouring. This may be the problem. Thanks for the tip on melting. I knew to do that and didn't. Shame on me!

The embeds is an ice cube tray I got at the dollar store..

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well thank god im not the only one!! i made gold fish bags with ultra clear and strawberrys n cream fo, and now they are absolutely brown, you cant even see the fish...im not sure what went wrong, but im inclined to blame the fo. kellyc

I could only imagine this until mine happened. LOL We can blame the FO's together

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A warm, sultry blend of Black Cherry, Creme Anglaise and Sandalwood in a musky base.

That is the desciption on GL's site.

Here is a picture of the base I am using from Nature's Garden. To me, its not ultra clear, but I am new to this so I have no comparison.. It has a little color to it


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Thanks.. I will make a note of that and stay clear of the heavy fo's.. Thanks a bunch for all the help!

Here is a picture of the first ones I did.. My Ugly Ducklings.. I have a lot to learn. Now, I knew this would color because of the fo- LLC :-)

They are for my nieces


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My AR has a yellow tint to it so when adding that to the clear base it will tint the base yellow, therefore it won't be clear.

I just did a soap the other day and one color bled into the other because I didn't wait long enough. Sometimes even when it feels ok and there's a skin on top its still too hot :sad2: .

As far as too much oil, IMHO I would so no, if you used the right amount in both the embeds and the overpour. Maybe its just a reaction with the FO and the base (they just simply may not like eah other :D ). As far as spraying with alocohol, I give mine a good spraying till the bubbles are gone. I've read where it dries the skin but I've never experienced it and have never had any complaints. Others may feel differently ~ that's just my opinion.

AGAIN IMO I haven't had a lot of luck scenting clear bases so I usually leave them unscented when possible. Look at your FO before you pour it in, if its at all tinted your clear base will be as well. Also to be on the safe side when I do use FOs in clear bases I use a Vanilla Stabilizer in it. HTH

If its still slimly spray it with alcohol and put it in front of a fan for the night and see how it is in the morning.

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those are so cute ... my eyes go right to the duckies & not the color of the soap.

For an ultra, ultra clear base for making fish in a bag I have used the base from Nature's Bouquet ... the clearest base I have ever used. You might want to try them for your pond duckies.

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I type slow -LOL. The base color was hard to tell because its against the counter. I used WSP's I think its Crystal Clear. In the description it says its the clearest base they have.

Edited to say: to give you an idea if you go under "What's New" on my site and click on the conversation soap, the clear parts of the soaps are WSP's base. HTH

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A big thanks to both of you. Will work on that.. I guess I need to get a Vanilla Stabilizer.. Ugh, just one more thing to fill up my house. LOL I will try some clear fo's tomorrow and see what I can come up with along with cooling it more and then pouring. Will keep you guys posted. Again, thanks for the help!


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I type slow -LOL. The base color was hard to tell because its against the counter. I used WSP's I think its Crystal Clear. In the description it says its the clearest base they have.

Ive have just gone on other websites and the pictures like at WSP of their clear is much more clearer then the ones they have at Nature's Garden.

Again, thanks!

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