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Everything posted by kellyc

  1. another good one from bcs...is the pumpkin cheesecake...its a killer
  2. definitely not all walmarts carry it. i went to 3 in MN before i found one who does. another place to get it would be a place who sells popcorn, or supplies for popcorn...just make sure you ask for white or you may end up with butter flavored:)
  3. there really is nothin like packin your balls in tight....lmaooooooo kellyc
  4. that is beautiful...why oh why is it i am the only swirl deficient person here? mine are globs:cry2:santacry
  5. bcn has absolutley the best service ive found! you can talk to them and they will make it right. the people there are extremely friendly and will take care of you.
  6. at my last show there was a woman selling her candles and bath and body products ,tell her customers that paraffin and store bought soap causes cancer. my daughter had been walking around, and stopped to see her stuff, and told her that i made candles cp soaps and b&b too. alittle while later she came down to "make sure" i had my products labeled correctly, and when to went to the bathroom, someone from her stand came down and took pics of my stuff! we think it was her hubby. i was livid too. i did later on the advice of some friends contact the shows coordinators and we figured out who she was. bad mouthing the competition is a sign of insecurity of your product in my opinon.
  7. igi 1260 is a hard wax made for hurricanes and embeds, which is why i chose it. ive used it before for electric hurricanes and had no trouble and used it as the overpour for my coffee bean and river rock candles. never had a problem unmolding any of those which is why i am so perplexed. i melted 3 #s of wax added 3 tsp of mold release powder and sprayed the mold with mold release spray, i tried waiting over night and this time the wax didnt want to release from the mold at all... i think i am going to get another mold and see what happens.
  8. not wanting to offend anyone, please dont buy your started kit at michaels or walmart or hobby lobby!! go to a good candle supply place, bittercreek has nice starter kits too...the candles you make from a craft shop wont make quality candles
  9. ok, we just moved so i dug thru some more of my supplies..and found my mold release spray...im off to try again:)
  10. im using 1260, and maybe i need the mold release spray because my candle aint a slidin no where lol...i clean my mold everytime....hmmmmm
  11. i just started trying these and boy am i getting a postal feeling. im having trouble getting my wax to adhere to the photos. i have been following the directions to a tee,soaking the picture for a few minutes before placing on the side , washcloths, water baths, refrigeration...i unmold the candle and i have parts of the picture that the wax has cracked off of..has anyone had this problem or am i just hurricane deficient?
  12. has anyone ever heard of using potassium sorbate as a preservative in b&b? i got a sample of it with my last order at the chemistrystore, and it says food grade. ive been looking on google and all i can really find is it is a mold prohibitor. it looks almost like lemon grass? kellyc
  13. well thank god im not the only one!! i made gold fish bags with ultra clear and strawberrys n cream fo, and now they are absolutely brown, you cant even see the fish...im not sure what went wrong, but im inclined to blame the fo. kellyc
  14. lmao, i was thinkin the same thing...making a couple of months and selling already..this is gonna be a tinder box
  15. i soak the entire stick. i found old oblong cake pans at a thrift store and use those. they work great even if your only doing a couple..
  16. lauren, another thing ya never know is just how long theyve had those fo's sittin around. i bought off of ebay and have gotten a bottle of completely thick fo. now i do buy off of thecandlesource, and he is on ebay too.
  17. i just had to laff at the candle chat, where she says please dont discuss any candles but ours...geee mighty boring candle chat!!!
  18. ive even read that you can use dryer lint as the body of the starter. i use the hamster bedding too, works awesomely. kellyc
  19. hi i just wanted to make sure somebody didnt steal your picture. these exact ones are on ebay right now:) i hope it is you and they really didnt steal it!! kellyc
  20. just another thought, michaels m/p bases are extremely expensive. you can find much better deals on line even with shipping.
  21. ive added herbs, oatmeal, coffee grounds etc...but i think powdered goatsmilk would work better...reg milk may prevent the soap from setting up...although you could try just a tablespoon at a time and see what happens. i had a horrible time with the m/p bases and hardly ANY lather. im getting my things together to do my first c/p soap! cant wait to try it!! kellyc
  22. how about cinnacappicino? :rolleyes2
  23. i havent found a scent from the candle source that i DONT like...and he has the fastest shipping. when i had missed a scent on his sample pack, he called me at home , within an hour,to make sure i would get what i want. it is an awesome company!! kellyc
  24. i make mine in a little soap mold and put them in a tin. it is going over very well here kellyc
  25. just a thought, why couldnt you use saxaphone , clarinet or oboe reeds to try to wick this?
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