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shrink wrapping

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How do you guys shrink wrap your products? Im looking for a shrink wrapper but all the ones Im finding are way too big and way too expensive. Can you guys tell me what kind of shrink wrap machine you use and what you paid for it? Possibly where I can find one also? Im doing a show in October and I would love to be able to shrink wrap my candles. Thanks so much for your help!


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Thks for the demonstration link. They were shrink wrapping a rectangular and I can do that. When I shrink wrap a round votive or pillar what do I do with the "ears?"

I think you can maybe heatgun the ears a lil bit? Not sure if that would work, just a thought.

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What I do with the dog ears is put them in the sealer and rip them off. The heat of the impulse sealer will melt right through and it will tear right off. If yours doesn't, then seal them as close to the candle as possible, then cut off the remaining material and be sure when you cut that you don't cut the entire seal mark off because it will develop a hole there when you shrink it if you do. Now your all set to use your heat gun. One other tip to get your shrink wrap nice and smooth is to hit it with the heat gun from the bottom up...in a sweeping motion while turning it around at the same time...if your doing pillars. For tarts, I seal it, rip/cut off all the corners so that the shrink wrap now looks like an octagon shape and not a square...this will allow you a nice tight shrink without any corners sticking out, then turn them over...bottom up...heat it until it shrinks up initially, then turn it over to it's top and heat there until it looks nice and tight. If you start heating from the top of the tart, the areas where you sealed it will end up too close to the top during the shrinking process and will look like crap. When you heat from the bottom up, the seal marks will end up on the sides of the tart, which looks much better. Just be careful not to get the heat gun too close because it will burn a hole it in very quickly, so be sure to use a sweeping motion and don't get too close to the object your shrinking. Practice will make perfect. :wink2:

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