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wax bears

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I did a search on these and came up with lots of instructions on how to do them my question is how do you come up with price? the same as with candles cost x3 or is there another equation? And with packaging some said they put something under them then wrap in cello with a bow what do you recommend to put under? What about using a doll stand or something like that? TIA for input as always!

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I am not sure what to set the price at because I gave mine away as gifts to friends and family. But, what you need to put under them to protect them are some grease proof doilies. Then, you put them in cello bags and tie them tight to hold in the fragrance.

If I were you, I would do an internet search and see what others are selling them at to give you an idea how much to sell yours for.

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I sell my bears with a plate underneath them and wrap them up in cello, plate and all. It costs a little more to do this, but I just know that someone will put the bear directly on their grandmother's piano and it will ruin the wood, so I'd rather include a plate. These can sell for quite a bit of money, depending on your area. I say charge as much as your market will bear (no pun intended, lol).

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you can buy the tin pie plates or cheap dollar store plate to sit them on.

i use the large cello bags from millcreek to package them and tie with twine, ribbon. i sell mine for $15.00 for the 7.5" and $10.00 for the 6" bears, depends on your area where i live it is mostly rural, no big cities. i have seen them for sell for $24.95 around or in big cities. if i charged that i wouldn't sell any around here.

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thanks for the replies. where is the best place to order bears? or do you buy out the dollar store? i found bears that are 4 inch (sitting) at my local dollar store. i am not really rural but the closest "big" city is Pittsburgh which is 35 minutes or so. I have not seen these here anywhere so figured new idea:cheesy2: why not try it?

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I sell my 7.5'' bears for $18 - I get them from Peak - even though Peak is the farthest away and the shipping is the most expensive for me, the price of the actual bear is so low that it more than makes up for the difference. Speaking of Peak's bears, I am waiting and waiting to order a case, but the little white guys have been out of stock for soooo long - I don't want to order a case without white because I know as soon as I do that's all anyone will want LOL

Calling all white bears - please get yourselves to Peak so I can order you! :P

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I did a search on these and came up with lots of instructions on how to do them my question is how do you come up with price? the same as with candles cost x3 or is there another equation? And with packaging some said they put something under them then wrap in cello with a bow what do you recommend to put under? What about using a doll stand or something like that? TIA for input as always!

I only did one size that where 7 1/2 to 8" tall...25.00 each no one blinked an eye, I had a couple of accounts selling them for 30+. I dress them up pretty though, sick really with cute little bows and all that..included a plate then wrapped in cello.. and yes deff white you can dye your wax so you make them any color you want...hth

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I just started doing these and love them! I get my bears from Micheal's for $2.00 and sell them waxed for $20.00.

I forgot to add they are 12inch short hair adjustable bears. They also have long hair for just under $5.00 non-adjustable.

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My brother is a grape freak and likes greatful dead bears (he has a purple one tattooed on his ankle) so I dipped that white bear in purple, scented him grape, and he is now referred to as the grape-ful dead bear in his house hehehehe. gotta love it!

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