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Hard soap & lather

Crying Moon

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I've been noticing that the more my soap dries, the more bubbles/lather I get. I'm just wondering if you get the same thing? I do CP with full water, so it takes forever to dry and get hard.

I've been thinking about trying to discount my water, but not real sure how to do it yet. Is there something you plug in on the soap calc to figure this?

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Yes, my soap definitely gets harder and lathers better the older it gets. Sometimes I test a new bar and think it's a dud. Weeks later, the lather improves greatly. And give me a 6-12 month old bar (or older) anyday ... I practically DROWN in abundant lather! LOL

Edited to add: You could try a 33% lye solution and see how you like that. This would be 1 part lye to 2 parts water (by weight).

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I dont know that it's necessarily related to the hardness. I have had soft bars that lather abundantly as they've aged a bit. I find HP generally lathers more if done right, and have heard, but I am sure a lot of CP does just as well. As for aged CP I cant comment on lather as I don't do it, but from my experience with HP, yes, after about 2 days the lather is better than initially.

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No, I don't think hardness and lather are necessarily related. But old soap gets harder and the lather seems to improve. Oh, and old HP soap has awesome lather too. I have a bar that's over 2 years old and the lather will CHOKE you. I once made myself a huge soapy lather beard with it. LOL

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I used a bar of soap at my mothers house yesterday that was made almost a year ago. I was freaking amazed at the lather. Then, later, at the kitchen sink I used another soap from about 9 months ago and it was even better lather. (different recipe)

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LOL. That lather was from a 2+ year old bar of HP -- one of my very first batches. Saved a bar for posterity. ;)

P.S. To really amp up the lather, use a Buff-Puff sponge! I got such a cool beard that I hollered for my kids to come in and see. Since they are big into the Lord of the Rings stuff, I said, "LOOK, guys, I'm Gandalf!"

My teenage son just rolled his eyes at me. The nerve! :laugh2: At least my daughter thought it was funny. After all, God put me on this earth to amuse others -- that's my purpose in life. :D

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