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To early for Christmas update!!

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K, Here is a pic of the candle after 1 hour of burn time. I am pleased with how it is burning. I used 2 CD 62's. Very nice burn, no flickering, no smoking..i love these CD wicks! Please let me know what you think of the MP I got. Also, Im attaching a pic of another candle I made, same size candle..same wick, but only one...notice the very thick shell i got. That was about 3 hrs of burn time. Very disappointing. That is why I double wicked the christmas one.



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Very interesting. Although the double is a vast improvement, I can see now why someone suggested triple-wicking heart shaped containers. I'm glad you've found a wick you like - excellent. :highfive:

Edited to add, "Whoops, I think that I've got my threads mixed up - sorry!"

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You must be using HTP because there's no such thing as CD 62. In any event that wick would be much too small for even a 3 inch diameter pillar.

Ok, This is really frustrating because I wait and wait and wait for ppl to reply to my posts and give me input when even the ugliest candles Ive ever seen posted get 2 pages of replies and then someone tells me that I dont know what kind of wick im using. I purchased them from a local supplier and I just rechecked the tag and it says they are CD 62's. I know the difference between HTP wicks and other wicks.. and they definately are not HTP's. Thank you for your input tho, its very much appreciated.

Im giving up on this board. Im not getting any help from anyone here unfortunately so it does me no good to sit here and ask questions when nobody replies.

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Excuse me, but a few feet away from me is every CD wick made. They are numbered from 2 to 22. So it's true, you don't know what wick you're using. However, there is such a thing as HTP-62 so that is probably what you're using and your supplier mislabeled it. Finally, Ms. Huffy, HTP and CD wicks look much alike. So no, you probably don't know the difference between HTP and CD.

Nobody here is paid to answer questions. If you don't get an answer you consider satisfactory, there are ways to figure it out for yourself.

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Excuse me, but a few feet away from me is every CD wick made. They are numbered from 2 to 22. So it's true, you don't know what wick you're using. However, there is such a thing as HTP-62 so that is probably what you're using and your supplier mislabeled it. Finally, Ms. Huffy, HTP and CD wicks look much alike. So no, you probably don't know the difference between HTP and CD.

Nobody here is paid to answer questions. If you don't get an answer you consider satisfactory, there are ways to figure it out for yourself.

:rolleyes2 :rolleyes2 :rolleyes2 .......trust me......Top is an expert on wicks. Really. Donita

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Excuse me, but a few feet away from me is every CD wick made. They are numbered from 2 to 22. So it's true, you don't know what wick you're using. However, there is such a thing as HTP-62 so that is probably what you're using and your supplier mislabeled it. Finally, Ms. Huffy, HTP and CD wicks look much alike. So no, you probably don't know the difference between HTP and CD.

Nobody here is paid to answer questions. If you don't get an answer you consider satisfactory, there are ways to figure it out for yourself.

If you feel I misread my label or maybe my supplier gave me the wrong wicks, then say so..but dont bluntly tell me that I dont know what wick Im using. I felt that your response was extremely rude when there were a million other ways you could have put it to me. I have alot of HTP wicks and some CD wicks and they look very much different so I know Im not using an HTP wick. If your an expert on wicks like Donita says, then fine...there are just other ways to tell me rather than insult my intelligence by telling me I dont know what Im using. You could say something like "I really dont think there is such a thing as CD 62's so you might wanna check with your supplier and make sure they gave you the right ones." That wouldve been a much nicer way put it. I just checked the website and your right...it doesnt list a CD 62..only CD 22...although the tag does say 62, so Im not sure what happened there...but i also looked at their HTP's and they dont even list an HTP 62, so it very obviously cant be an HTP can it? This board is supposed to be helpful, not hurtful...but I dont expect you to care MS RUDENESS

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Oh my goodness...there, there now. I'm not here to get caught up in the drama of all of this but...it appears that your supplier may have mislabled the wicks. CD and HTP are basically the same wicks. The CD's are German made, while the HTP's are American made. The only difference between them is the numbering system they use (as per Alan's information given on the old board). And Candlelovr, you're absolutely right...kinder words could have been used to address your question. I'm sorry that you had to experience that...not all of us are like that.:wink2:

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And Candlelovr, you're absolutely right...kinder words could have been used to address your question. I'm sorry that you had to experience that...not all of us are like that.:wink2:
Give me a break Fern. What do you mean "not all of us are like that?" Am I supposed to know that someone is so fragile that a simple fact about a wick "You must be using HTP because there's no such thing as CD 62" is going to crush them?

There's more of a difference than the numbering system. HTP and CD wicks don't come in the same sizes. Alan's list is a rough approximation and not a very good one in some portions.

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If you feel I misread my label or maybe my supplier gave me the wrong wicks, then say so..but dont bluntly tell me that I dont know what wick Im using. I felt that your response was extremely rude when there were a million other ways you could have put it to me. I have alot of HTP wicks and some CD wicks and they look very much different so I know Im not using an HTP wick. If your an expert on wicks like Donita says, then fine...there are just other ways to tell me rather than insult my intelligence by telling me I dont know what Im using. You could say something like "I really dont think there is such a thing as CD 62's so you might wanna check with your supplier and make sure they gave you the right ones." That wouldve been a much nicer way put it. I just checked the website and your right...it doesnt list a CD 62..only CD 22...although the tag does say 62, so Im not sure what happened there...but i also looked at their HTP's and they dont even list an HTP 62, so it very obviously cant be an HTP can it? This board is supposed to be helpful, not hurtful...but I dont expect you to care MS RUDENESS

There are no wick experts- persay, here. :wink2:

Individuals- including myself may think they know everything about wicking, but I can assure that wick experts don't hang out on CT too much.

I think Donita was trying to lighten up the thread, or whatever.

CD wicks only come in the sizes stated previously. I am thinking perhaps the wicks you received could be mislabeled. There really is an HTP 62.


I think perhaps this is getting a bit wild. Try and take things on here with a grain of salt. I know sometimes things can be perceived as harsh. This is a multi faceted board with many strong personalities. If you do not like what someone posts and find it offensive, save yourself some grief and put them on ignore. It can mean alot less hurt feelings.

BTW- Top is male. :wink2:

And actually can be quite helpful at times.

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Ok, it turns out that CD and HTP wicks DO look alike and my supplier gave me the wrong ones or mislabeled them. Is this my fault? No, it isnt. I had never used a CD wick before i purchased these so I did not know what they looked like and did not realize that isnt what Im using. So MR rudeness...I am not fragile as you put it, but anyone with eyes can read your post and see that it was rude. Maybe you should choose your words a lil more carefully since there are alot of newbies and alot of ppl out there that post here that you DO NOT know what kind of person they are (ie, fragile) and do not know if your words will offend them or not. Like I said before, this board is supposed to be helpful, and I have not gotten much help from anyone, so I do alot of research on my own. I dont just sit around and post questions on this board and expect ppl to do all the work for me. There are times tho, that I cant find the answer Im looking for on the internet and need the help of experienced candlemakers that have tested and are better suited to point me in the right direction. I just dont seem to get that here. Most times I dont even have any questions, I just want to post a picture and see what ppl think about it and I might throw a tiny question in there like "what do you think about this mp?" I usually cant even get an answer for that and that is not the type of question you can search the internet for an answer for.

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Well Top, perhaps it's the tone that you use at times. Many people have taken offense to how you word your responses, so it's not an isolated incident by any means. I've refrained from comment many times when I've read some of your responses, but to tell you the truth, I'm just about sick to death of you. Who the hell do you think you are any way? Are you the self-proclaimed king of all candlemaking? You are so quick to pounce on anyone who dares to challenge what you say in any way. Is it essential to your overall well being to be right at all times? You may know quite a bit about candlemaking, but it doesn't mean that you know everything. So why don't you come down off your high horse and start treating people with a little bit of kindness and respect, because your rudeness and arrogance is getting quite old. How's this personality of yours workin' for you any way? I don't imagine you have many people who would care to spend much time with you. Okay...your turn. I'm sure you'll come back with something far more witty than I could ever come up with, so go ahead and show me how stupid and small I am. That is your area of expertise, isn't it? Whatever you have to say will not envoke further response from me...I am so done with you, you are not worth any more of my time. And sorry to the rest of you folks...I don't normally do these things, in fact, I normally try to stop these things from going further, but, I just couldn't take that Ass for one more minute.

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