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Just Scents f/o's


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I recently purchased about 6 pounds of f/o's from Just Scents. I am just curious if it is me, or do they smell very light out of the bottle? I would prefer to resale to someone who is a big fan of these rather than waste them. I use J223/soy blend. I would appreciate any advice. Here is what I bought:

1 pound Vanilla Grapefruit Twist

1 pound Vanilla Buttercream Crunch

2 pounds Perfect Pear

2 pounds Romantic

Thanks for the help!

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I presently use the Vanilla Buttercream Crunch and the Grapefruit Vanilla Twist and don't judge OOB. They are very nice and have a lingering aroma. I had a sample of the Perfect Pear and it's a strong one also. Test 1 oz. out of each, let your wax cure for 24-48 hours and then judge it before you sell them.

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the only 2 on your list that work for me are the vanilla buttercream and the grapefruit vanilla.....I have tried them both in J223 (no mix) and the GL 70/30 with zinc wicks - not nose hair burners but are very popular....I have tried the Perfect Pear and Romantic but they did not work for me so I sold them in the classifieds....

Cel is right tho....if you haven't put them in wax, it is difficult to judge the true scent oob - on the other hand, I don't believe I have had any scents that smelled bad oob (or light) that worked once in wax....but I still try them all!

Out of testing about 50 just scents fo's, I have found only 3 or 4 that are strong/true enough for me.....And unfortunately, due to something the owner of JS did to one of our members (a customer service issue at the least), I will find replacements for the few that I did continue to purchase.


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Thanks for the help! I know better than to buy before I get a sample:cry2: but I could not resist all the rave reviews that a couple of these got! I also could not resist the buy one get one free! Shame on me!


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Thanks for the help! I know better than to buy before I get a sample:cry2: but I could not resist all the rave reviews that a couple of these got! I also could not resist the buy one get one free! Shame on me!


Yes, samples are a good idea, but you never really know how a fo is going to perform until you put it in your wax. Some fo's work really well for some peeps, while the same fo's suck for others. It depends on your wax/wick combo along with a few other variables. I happen to really like the Perfect Pear and it is strong in my wax, but I do understand that it's not the same for everyone.

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I agree, I would get these in wax first, they are all really great scents with wonderful throws. The Vanilla Buttercream Crunch is wonderful, Perfect Pear is just gorgeous, and so is the grapefruit vanilla twist. I am not a perfume type person, but the Romantic is very nice in wax. My customers who like these type of scents really like this one.

I agree everyone has different tastes, for sure, but I think you really did choose some winners from JS. Don't fret :)

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After you test these in wax, if they still don't seem very strong to you, don't feel bad. They aren't for me either. I had two of her oils that I thought were great, but very recently I have even found replacements for those. So, don't think it's just you if you just don't feel like they are strong enough. There are lots of folks who feel the same way.

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As a rule for me, if it is light in the bottle, it is going to be light in my soy. Last year I bought a sample pack and none of the ones I got, did I feel like were strong OOB at all, so I didn't try them in the soy. I ended up giving them all away, and have never ordered again. Now some people use a lot of her oils and love them, so you just never know.

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OK, what is the deal with JS? Why are so many people hinting around that something bad happened to them, in regard to JS? I have loved alot of their oils, like: Lemon Sugar, Banana Nut Bread, BrownSugarPecan, Bazooka, EffervescentFizzyPop, BerrieButtercream, DecadentPoundCake, White Cake, MyMamasBlueberryCobbler, Pink Petals, VanillaButterCreamCrunch, to name a few. Is there something we should all know?

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Never tried JS oils. They sound too iffy to me. A few rave at how good they are and even more can't get them to throw. With a gazillion suppliers out there I don't have the time or the money to try them all so I try to stick with the ones to try that have consistently good reviews.

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