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Scent Throw

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When I first started out with candles, I made pure paraffin, but very quickly switched to soy, just because it's easier to clean up.

As we all know, some FO's throw in soy and some don't, so you gotta test test test.

The question I have is whether ALL FO's throw in paraffin or not? For example, I'm testing a J LO Glow at the moment in soy, and no matter what wick, jar size, tin size, dye or whatever I use, it just doesn't throw from this particular supplier.

Would it throw in paraffin? I guess what I'd like to know is whether you're pretty much guaranteed a good, strong throw in every candle you make with straight paraffin, no matter what the FO (as long as you use the right wick and FO%) or do you still get non-throwers, and therefore need to test just as much as you would with soy?


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I've used both soy and paraffin and switched to paraffin permanently because of the issues with certain scents not throwing in soy. I've had a few scents that didn't throw very well in my paraffin, but when I let them cure, which I normally wouldn't have done with paraffin, I got them to throw. Well, I didn't purposely set them aside to cure, they just wouldn't throw so I said forget these and went on to something else. I decided to give them another try about a week or two later, just for the hell of it, and lo and behold, they threw great. This has been a rare occurrance though, most all of the fragrances I put in paraffin throw very well. You can attribute the lack of throw for several reasons, the quality of the fo, not enough fo, the fo being a naturally light scent to begin with, the type of wax, whether it needs to cure or not, the right size wick...there are just so many variables. The only way to determine the exact cause is by testing all of these things. It can be quite time consuming but in the end it is all worth it.

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I'm a bit of a newbie here, so i dont really know how much help i can be, But I've gone through about 70 different scents or so. Not your particular scent though. And I have had all of them throw eventually. Sometimes if the first try didnt throw, i'd up the fragrence load, change additives, and then they'd throw, but usually not very strongly. Some scents just wont throw because of your additives,the type of paraffin and yes there are just some bad scents out there. You just gotta play around until you get the right combo. I have 3 different waxes I use and can always get it to throw eventually. But I believe you can get all scents to throw in paraffin.

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I don't believe that all Fos throw well in paraffin. Some are just inferior. I think that most will throw to some varying degree - though it may be so weak that you can't tell that it's throwing. Some suppliers just carry low budget oils because people will buy them.

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yes, this is what I'm getting at. For example, I buy good quality FO's only because I use soy and throw in soy is hard to achieve unless you're using a good quality oil. Even so, there are some fabulous quality oils that just don't throw in soy - perhaps it's the chemical make up or something like that, but it just is.

If I took that good quality oil and used it in paraffin with no additives, how likely is it to throw in paraffin? If it didn't throw in paraffin then I guess we are dealing with an oil that, despite being high quality, nice and strong OOB or great in tarts, just won't throw in any wax.

The only reason I'm asking this is I have a lot of FO that cost hundreds as I only buy the good stuff and after extensive testing, it won't throw in soy. I have NO paraffin in the house, but I am thinking of introducing a paraffin line of candles but won't bother buying paraffin wax, new wicks and all new equipment if throw in paraffin is as hit-and-miss as it is in soy - which then lead to my question of why an FO exists if it doesn't throw in soy OR Paraffin


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I'm also having this issue and I started w/ paraffin and switched to soy. I have just made the decision to switch back to paraffin just because of issues I've had w/ soy lately. I can tell you from my experience (and I'll give you an example: Cotton Candy) that the longer a soy candle sits (sealed up) the stronger the fo gets. It will eventually throw in soy but takes a long time of "curing" IMHO. I had a hard time w/ cotton candy because it is so light, but it sat for two weeks, burned, and threw like crazy! I don't know how much this helps you, but I just wanted to let you know what experience I've had.

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thanks charitycandles, I don't have a problem with my soy candles, I only use the oils that do throw and they throw like crazy, but because I buy my oils from the USA, I can't keep buying small samples as the turnaround for oils is up to 15 days for me, so I buy ALL my oils in 1lb quantities and take my chances. Of course, some of them just don't throw in soy - so I have at least 20lbs of FO sitting un-used, and I want to get some use out of it before it gets too old.

I thought that perhaps I'll put it in paraffin, but I'd have to buy the paraffin in, get new wicks (from the USA with a 10 day turnaround for economic postage costs) and all new pouring equipment as I don't want to get my soy mixed up with my paraffin. I really don't want to do this if paraffin is hit-and-miss on some FO's though. That's why I really wanted to know whether it was pretty much guaranteed that every FO throws in paraffin.


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I buy ALL my oils in 1lb quantities and take my chances. Of course, some of them just don't throw in soy - so I have at least 20lbs of FO sitting un-used, and I want to get some use out of it before it gets too old.

If it's just going to waste, have you thought about selling it on ebay or something, giving full disclosure to the soy problem? There may be some paraffin people out there who would enjoy trying the remainder of your FO's and even if you sell at a loss you're still going to recoup some of your costs if they sell.

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Try making wickless candles or tarts with some of that oil. Sometimes an oil will throw for me in a paraffin wickless candle or paraffin tart (made with votive wax), but just won't do well in a candle. That may be a good way to use up some of that fragrance oil. You could also order some aroma beads and make scent sachets or car air fresheners with the fragrances. Or buy some DPG and make potpourri oil. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to have to buy in 1lb bottles and hope that they work for you.

BTW, I have had great luck with JS and NG in paraffin. Things just work differently for everyone.

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Id love to do wickless candles..but we don't have candle warmers over here. Yup, it's true, we don't have electric tart warmers or candle warmers. There are some people selling them on ebay, but they've just imported them in from the USA and have added a huge mark--up on them - and they aint selling!

I've love to offer this sort of candle, and import the warmers myself, but it's hard enough trying to get people to understand that paraffin is not the only wax in the UK - it's all pretty new over here, hence there being so very few suppliers and each one of them having really high costs!

I may just think about selling some of my FOs on ebay - i'm sure most of them are BB safe so soapers of the UK may want them - i'll have to wade through my paperwork for each one to check , but that won't be too hard.

Thanks for the info peeps,


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Try making wickless candles or tarts with some of that oil. Sometimes an oil will throw for me in a paraffin wickless candle or paraffin tart (made with votive wax), but just won't do well in a candle. That may be a good way to use up some of that fragrance oil. You could also order some aroma beads and make scent sachets or car air fresheners with the fragrances. Or buy some DPG and make potpourri oil. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to have to buy in 1lb bottles and hope that they work for you.

BTW, I have had great luck with JS and NG in paraffin. Things just work differently for everyone.

can't people just use the FO straight on pot-pourri? Do you really need to cut it with DPG?


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can't people just use the FO straight on pot-pourri? Do you really need to cut it with DPG?


If you use the straight oil, I think you need to be careful of the flashpoint, since those potpourri warmers get really hot. Some people use just the oil and add some water, but then you need to check and add more water frequently. Adding DPG solves this problem, I believe. I don't sell or potpourri oils, just have done some research on it.

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hmmm...are we talking the same pot pourri?

For me, Pot Pourri is a bunch of dried wood, leaves, plants and stuff that sits in a bowl and smells nice. No warming required. What pot-pourri are you talking about??

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hmmm...are we talking the same pot pourri?

For me, Pot Pourri is a bunch of dried wood, leaves, plants and stuff that sits in a bowl and smells nice. No warming required. What pot-pourri are you talking about??

Lol, I was talking about making liquid potpourri. You put it in a little electric warmer (similiar to a tart burner) and it heats the oil and scents the room. You definitely don't need to worry about the flashpoint when making regular potpourri with sticks and leaves, lol. Sorry for the mixup :D

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You said you have 20 or so fragrances that do not work well with soy

i'm new to soy but i have been using parrafin for 2 years now and most of the scents work great.

If you have time could you list the scents and I will let you know if i have had any trouble with the fragrance.

Where do you buy you oills????

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I've bought my oils far and wide! I have oils from:


Just Scent

Bear Labs

Peeptoad Hollow





Candle Science

Save On Scents

Candles & Supplies

Bulk Oils

And also a few I've bought from the classifieds on here.

I have over 200 16oz bottles of fragrance hanging around here, and approximately 300 2oz bottles of samplers - some the same fragrance but from different suppliers.

Off the top of my head, the following are not throwing in Ecoysoya PB, CB135 and CBAdvanced at 1.5oz per pound and a 2 week cure time:

Save On Scents - Issy Miyake M

Can't remember supplier - J Lo Glow

Can't Remember supplier - J'Adore

Bear - Blue Lavender

Gemlite - Blackcurrent (cold throw smells like vomit, no hot throw)

Aztec - Aloe Vera

Peeptoad Hollow - Angel

Gemlite - Baby Powder (great cold, no hot)

There are loads more but I'd have to dig to the back of my shelves to find them!


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I haven't tried any of the scents you mentioned.

Most of my scents work well with parrafin.

I just tried SoyPB and i used butterscotch.....no scent through.

I let it sit 24 hrs, are you suppose to let it cure longer?????

I have heard that Wick your wax has great FO very strong.

I am going to try them my next order.

With all the FO you have....I would definately try Parrafin, or sell of your fragrances.


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