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Getting ready to order a Peak sampler, whaddya think?

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I want to try out some of the more "wintery" and/or holiday scents, plus I'm still looking for a Cherry for the wedding I'm doing in March. ;)

What do you think of these scents that I picked, reviews would be nice. :)

Amish Harvest

Buttermint Candies

Frosted Carrot Cake

Green Clover & Aloe

Home For the Holidays

Mountain Lake

Sage & Lemongrass

Spruce Christmas Tree

Sugar Plum Berries

Wild Cherry

Has anyone tried Peak's Wild Cherry? How does it throw for you? Is it a strong Cherry scent? I really want to find an OUTSTANDING cherry for these wedding favors I'm doing, as this is my very first order, and I want to make a good impression KWIM? ;)


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Amish Harvest nice buttery spice

Buttermint -- haven't tried.

Frosted Carrot Cake -- pretty yummy

Green Clover & Aloe -- I love this!

Home for the Holidays -- another nice one

Mountain Lake -- Nice scent, thinking more masculine type.

Sage & Lemongrass -- strong

Spruce Xmas Tree -- really blossoms in applications and great scent

Sugar Plum Berries -- I was so so on this one. It's a good scent, just not a personal fav.

Wild Cherry -- only application I put it in was incense and I didn't like it.

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Have you already tried Apple Jack & Peel, Blueberry Muffin, Hot Cocoa, Peppermint Kiss, Sugar Cookie, Warm Apple Pie?

Amish Harvest - nice, strong

Buttermint Candies - smells good OOB, but didn't think many would like...

Frosted Carrot Cake - very very sweet! Yummy too!

Green Clover & Aloe - haven't tried, but wouldn't think of as a "wintery" scent

Home For the Holidays - holiday scent, not much of a Christmas tree smell fan though

Mountain Lake - good for the men

Sage & Lemongrass - nice, but wouldn't think too much of a "wintery" scent either

Spruce Christmas Tree - haven't tried

Sugar Plum Berries - haven't tried myself, but have smelled and I don't like it

Wild Cherry - haven't tested, but really strong OOB

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Amish Harvest - Awesome scent, awesome thrower. Perfect for Fall.

Buttermint Candies - Great for Christmas. Smells like those after dinner mints.

Frosted Carrot Cake - Absolutely divine. Good enough to eat.:smiley2:

Mountain Lake - One of my faves. Great "guy" scent.

Sugar Plum Berries - Don't like this one at all.

If you don't like Peak's Wild Cherry, I just got a sample of Cherry Blossom from Just Scent and it is REALLY GOOD!

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I didn't realize you were looking for reviews until I reread! LOL

Amish Harvest - Crazy strong in 1945!!

Buttermint Candies - smells good OOB, but haven't poured it

Frosted Carrot Cake - same as above

Green Clover & Aloe - did not throw for me in 1945

Home For the Holidays - I sold quite a few of this last year in J50, haven't tested in 1945

Mountain Lake - nice masculine scent but haven't tested in 1945

Sage & Lemongrass - smelled like lemon pledge to me, lol

Spruce Christmas Tree - *ack* I can't stand those pine smells but I know several people love this!

Sugar Plum Berries - posted earlier about this. *blech*

Wild Cherry - smells strong OOB but never poured

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If you don't like Peak's Wild Cherry, I just got a sample of Cherry Blossom from Just Scent and it is REALLY GOOD!

I have the cherry blossom too, but it's not a wild cherry or "true" cherry scent. When it's in wax, you can really smell the "blossom". it's very nice!

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Yah Angela, some of the ones I picked are just ones I've been wanting to try and figured I'd order them now. ;)

So, Home for the Holidays is a "pine" scent?

Spruce Christmas is also a "pine" scent? Hmmm I'm not big on pine scents, but everyone seems to really like this one, so I thought I'd give it a try. ??

So, you have the wild cherry, but haven't tested it as of yet? Dang it, get busy woman!! LOL I really need to find a GREAT OUTSTANDING cherry FO for this wedding I'm doing, and really need to start testing (if I can ever find the dang tins I want!!!! :mad: ).

Well, maybe I'll go back and delete one of the "piney" FO's. ??

Decisions, Decisions........ :rolleyes2

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Just my opinion

Amish Harvest - Great scent for all seasons

Buttermint Candies - haven't tried it

Frosted Carrot Cake - OOB fantastic

Green Clover & Aloe - haven't tried it

Home For the Holidays - Great holiday scent

Mountain Lake - Love it, masculine but fresh scent

Sage & Lemongrass - haven't tried it

Spruce Christmas Tree - great Christmas scent, was told by a customer it was the only pine ype sscent that didn't smell like those cheap car fresheners

Sugar Plum Berries - dipped pine cones in it last yr. great cold throw

Wild Cherry - made some tarts with this, was told they smelled like the Vicks cherry cough drops.

Have you tried red current? I just made some votive with it. Great cold and hot throw and would work for fall and winter.

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I'm testing the Wild Cherry now. I like it, I think. I would consider it a medium strength FO. It kinda has a 'sweet' smell, puts me in mind of koolaid brand cherry.

I have yet to find a pine scent that puts me in mind of the pine trees in my back yard. I was thinking of maybe mixing the 2 I've got & see if that helps.

I never thought of home for the holidays as piney. Kinda has a 'sweet' smell to it. Smells a little cinammony to me. This is just in reference to the cold throw. Haven't yet burned it to test the hot throw.

lol. Again, I laugh at the subjectivity of scent. I think it's interesting that different ppl smell differently. I just love the uniqueness of us human beans.

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So, Home for the Holidays is a "pine" scent?

Spruce Christmas is also a "pine" scent? Hmmm I'm not big on pine scents, but everyone seems to really like this one, so I thought I'd give it a try. ??

They are spruce scents. lol...is there a difference? I have no idea!

I think the Wild Cherry smells like the Luden's throat lozenges.

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I must be an odd ball becuase I live the sugar plum berries and want to get some! If it weren't for shipping costs on small orders I would have it already. I haven't poured it, but I got a votive of it in the last swap ;)

I agree with the spruce christmas tree. Not pine but definatly strong spruce and brings a christmas tree to mind immediately.

Frosted carrot cake.. LOVE it!

Mountain Lake - okay scent, but not sure about for holidays

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I have the cherry blossom too, but it's not a wild cherry or "true" cherry scent. When it's in wax, you can really smell the "blossom". it's very nice!

I think it would make a lovely scent for a wedding, though! I'm not big on Cherry scents, but this one is great. :smiley2:

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Thanks for all your "reviews" ;)

lol. Again, I laugh at the subjectivity of scent. I think it's interesting that different ppl smell differently. I just love the uniqueness of us human beans.

This is sooooo true, and I guess the only thing to do really is try them out for ourselves, I just wanted to kind of get an "idea" of people's preferences, and such, b/c if I had it my way, I would NEVER purchase/pour anything that smelled like trees, or blueberries or buttermints, and such. LOL

Just like with this cherry FO hunt I'm on, I'm not a real big fan of cherry scents, (they just smell really "fake" which they are I guess, b/c REAL cherries don't really have a cherry scent at all??) but the girl I'm doing the wedding favors for is a BIG cherry fan, and wants them in cherry, not black cherry, not cherry vanilla, but CHERRY. ;)

I've had a cherry blossom and have smelled the one that BBW carries, but don't think that that scent is anywhere near a cherry scent, and wouldn't be at all what she is looking for, thanks though.

But, I want to make a variety of scents that will attract the "majority" of people/customers etc. and I know that I can't just rely only on what *I* like, KWIM??

I HAVE tried the red currant and it's one of my FAVS from Peak, along with the many many others! :D

Anywho- still haven't placed my order yet, still wishy washy on what to get, I hate this, having to make a decision on just 10 scents LOL.

Thanks again!!

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Just go ahead and pick 20 - order TWO samplers ;)

Yah, easy for you guys to say!! :P

I still haven't ordered, I have a major problem with making decisions, drives my hubby crazy! :wink2:

I'll probably end up ordering two sampler packs, though I really wanted to order a sampler pack from Just Scent also. Hmmmmm

So much to order and have fun with and sooooo little money to do so.

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