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Fun with tarts

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Here's what I've been doing lately. The fish tarts are scented in Tropical Smoothie, a pleasant sweet lime-vanilla blend. The soy tarts topped with a wax lime slice are Sweet Lime & Basil. Ummmmmm, yes, I'm on a lime kick lately. LOL The fish tarts have some minor flaws in surface texture because I had to pour cool -- I was using a soap mold. ha ha

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How in the world did you time it right to put the slices on top? I've always screwed that up.

Well you could wait until the soy wax completely sets up. Dribble a little melted wax on and "glue" the lime wedge there with the melted wax.

Actually, in this pic, the lime icons are just "floating" on top and not attached at all! LOL The tarts are individually packaged in a snug bag so they don't have to be attached and they stay looking like this. Since the limes are a paraffin blend, but the tarts are straight soy, I wanted the people using the tarts to have the option of not tossing the paraffin limes into their tart warmer if they just want a straight soy tart. Both pieces are scented the same, though, so if they toss in both parts they'll just get a nice lime boost. Heh heh

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