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2 questions on soap


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1) I read somewhere about mixing goat milk instaed of water and now I cant find it, are their specifacations on it or where can I look for threads on this subject

2) on the soapcalc9 it gave me a hardness of 36 combined for my recipe, now what I was wondering is what is the average for a firm bar?

3) thanks so much for all your help again

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36 is the minimum for hardness. Between 36-47 is best. I'm sure it will be fine though. I make an 90% olive oil soap and it hardens no prob and the hardness is like 10.

About the milk, make it a little slushy in the freezer, then add the lye. I do that and it works out fine. It will turn yellowish and probably smell awful though. But the smell should go away........

Hope this helps

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okay my recipe is

1) 50% crisco

2) 15% cocnut

3) 15% cocoa butter

4) 10% hazelnut

5) 10% sesame

So could I use the goat milk and also 1/2 cup ground oatmeal and 2 tspn honey? Would I have to add more goat milk than my recipe requires for water or leave the same?

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Be careful using honey it will heat up fast!! I used it one time and never did it again...but may try again since i have some experience under my belt.

I used to freeze the canned GM mixed with water in ice cube trays. then I measured the cubes for the amount of water the recipe calls for. just slowly mix your lye in with the ice cubes they will all melt and I didnt have overheating that way.

NOW since i found GM powder...I use whatever water amount i need minus 3 oz's and mix my lye the normal way (mainly because I like to dissolve a wad of silk in there) then the other 3 oz's of water I save and mix 2-3 scoops of GM into it to make a "slurry" then I SB it inot the oils before I add the lye. You can also do this at trace if ya like. I like to SB it into the oils so i get it good and mixed in.


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ty so much will have to hunt down the dry GM also I do add oatmeal and honey at trace? I thought I read online somewhere to add it there since its a addative. Is there a average to how much additive to add per pound of soap or can u use whatever

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If you use the canned concentrated GM, it's easy to make 100% goat's milk soap. Just use 1/2 the usual amount of water in your recipe and mix your lye with that. After your lye water and oils are cooled down, mix them and bring to trace as usual, then add some chilled GM concentrate (use an amount equal to the amount of water you used). Presto! Now you have 100% GM soap because the concentrate is supposed to be reconstituted by adding an equal amount of water.


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okay my recipe is

1) 50% crisco

2) 15% cocnut

3) 15% cocoa butter

4) 10% hazelnut

5) 10% sesame

So could I use the goat milk and also 1/2 cup ground oatmeal and 2 tspn honey? Would I have to add more goat milk than my recipe requires for water or leave the same?

I would lower the cocoa butter to about 5% Anything over that can promote a brittle and possibly cracking bar. If you're lowering the percentage of that I'd add another hardening oil maybe. Crisco can help with hardening but it needs support to do so, from my experience anyway.

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1) I read somewhere about mixing goat milk instaed of water and now I cant find it, are their specifacations on it or where can I look for threads on this subject

Look here: http://www.candletech.com/forums/search.php?searchid=123418

I entered goat milk in the search and came up with 3 pages of different threads.

Then I went to the archives and did it again and came up with 390 responses to goat milk.

Again, I hate to be rude, but the majority of the questions you've asked could be answered in 5 minutes with a search or at the millersoap.com site that you've been given the link to at least 3 times. If you do not know how to use the search feature, either here or at the archives, I'm sure a mod would be more than happy to instruct you. You can only become a better soapmaker when you are able and capable of researching at least some your needed information by yourself.

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