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Bunny's Bath Melts ~ Pics~ Step By Step

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Well I don't vere off from CP soap very often, but with Mother's Day coming up, I wanted to make a little more than soap for my mom and mother in law.

I have been wanting to make Bunny's Bath Melt's for months.

I gathered all the information of tips others had mentioned and just wished that there was a step by step picture guide to it, like the CP Soap has!

So, I did my best to make one for you!

A blend of Peaks Vanilla Hazelnut and Vanilla Cake

I bathed right afterwards, I could not wait, and it was fabulous!

Measured the Cocoa (&/or Shea)

I made mine with 7 oz Cocoa & 1 oz Shea


Measured the Baking Soda & Cornstarch

Mixed all the lumps Out!


(Measure citric acid in seperate Container)

Have ready to add soon........

Add Baking Soda, Cornstarch & FO to melted but not hot, OILS.


Add Citric Acid, and mix it quickly for about 20 seconds

I had mixed it completely at this point


Put in muffin cups size of your choice

Put in the freezer approx 15-20 minutes

(These were in 20 min's when the pic taken)


Pop out of muffin cups or leave in.......Your choice


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Per previous post sregarding Bunny's melts, you should only use ONE of these melts and the size she made them in above are the perfect size or you will end up with a slippery mess.

When these melts are made and used in the above manner they are awesome, very moisturizing but not super greasy.

Thanks again Bunny

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Gosh Elle,

Thanks for your response. I picked this particular thread up thinking it was post #1 and an original topic. But I guess I will go digging to find out the exact size of her muffin cups and the original recipe. I can tell they aren't as large as regular muffin cups and not as small as the mini candy cups in the tutorial she was so helpful to provide.

I will search for the original recipe Bunny posted.

Thanks again for your help.


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Look in the recipe section, there are a lot is a lot of info about them, they are very popular.

Get the small muffin liners and use the mini-muffin tins.

I know in a post a while back someone made a bigger version of these melts and had a very greasy bathtub LOL

I make mine in heart shapes and wrap in decorative foil, I also just started fragrancing mine

Good luck, you will love these and they are easy to make

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Thank you Miss SoapInTheCity for your accurate description of what you used to make these. Barbie Sized muffins :laugh2: I have a dollar store nearby and will hopefully go there soon but will check my cabinets for some of these. I used to be a candy maker.


Okay, I guess they aren't muffin cups! I kept saying it without realizing,

they would be barbie sized muffins! LOL

The must be for candy, and I got them at a Dollar Store but there were only about 26 or so.........I hope that helps...

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I actually just melted the butters really low til they melted. Then added the baking soda and Cornstarch when the butters were still warm (not hot).

Then after it was mixed well I added the citric acid and mixed really fast for about 20 seconds with a metal whisk. Then put it in that clear container and poured them.

I actually had extra for I just poured it on the cookie sheet and broke it into peices and use them for myself! Why not, I don't care what they look like!

*And livelovebath -Jenny......I still want yours you silly! These were made for mother's day! I want to try yours still! Oh ya Baby! Caramel...........

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1/2 - 1 oz melts are fine.. I prefer 3/4 oz melts as too much isn't a good thing!

Thanks for taking the time to post this for the members who haven't made it or have had trouble with them! They look awesome!

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  • 1 month later...

wonderful step by step and they look so pretty,mine are bumpy lumpy no matter how much I stir, how do you get yours so smooth? In you pic adding the ca it looks all creamy like pudding, mine looks grainy at this point like stirring sugar into a batter KWIM? Anyone know what Im doing wrong/

Well I don't vere off from CP soap very often, but with Mother's Day coming up, I wanted to make a little more than soap for my mom and mother in law.

I have been wanting to make Bunny's Bath Melt's for months.

I gathered all the information of tips others had mentioned and just wished that there was a step by step picture guide to it, like the CP Soap has!

So, I did my best to make one for you!

A blend of Peaks Vanilla Hazelnut and Vanilla Cake

I bathed right afterwards, I could not wait, and it was fabulous!

Measured the Cocoa (&/or Shea)

I made mine with 7 oz Cocoa & 1 oz Shea


Measured the Baking Soda & Cornstarch

Mixed all the lumps Out!


(Measure citric acid in seperate Container)

Have ready to add soon........

Add Baking Soda, Cornstarch & FO to melted but not hot, OILS.


Add Citric Acid, and mix it quickly for about 20 seconds

I had mixed it completely at this point


Put in muffin cups size of your choice

Put in the freezer approx 15-20 minutes

(These were in 20 min's when the pic taken)


Pop out of muffin cups or leave in.......Your choice


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