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Double Wicking a 14oz Frosted Tumbler

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I agree. This container, however, it wide open and doesn't come in at the lip like some apothecary, mason, etc type jars do. Further, I would place the wicks about an ince from the wall and an inch from each other. I would also use the smallest wick possible to achieve a full melt pool in the 2-3 hour range.

I would also obviously test extensively under LESS than ideal circumstances (since the end consumer will rarely follow burning instructions anyway).

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The testing is a wise idea- in as many conditions as you possibly can create.

I tell you this because one of my biggest wholesale accounts in CA emailed me last year to tell me one of his customers brought in one of my candles that literally exploded- he enclosed a pic and the container was double wicked and very similiar to the one you are using.

Of course this customer was a complete idiot. He burned the candle for over 14 hours unattended while he slept in a morphine induced semi coma that he created by not reading the patient information. Needless to say, I was grateful for having insurance and no one was injured. But this is a prime example of what can happen at any given time with a candle.

I told him to NEVER sell this man another one of my products.

Now you can see why I feel so strongly against double wicking tumblers.

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One more question. Aren't CD and LX wicks pretty much identical (only from different manufacturers)? Also, do they produce less soot/black smoke than most wicks out there? And, how hot do they burn in relation to, say, Cotton Core wicks, which supposedly burn the hottest of any wicks?
Cotton core wicks burn the hottest of the cored wicks.

My impression is that some of the fancier flat braids have the highest flame temps, which should help to produce complete combustion but YMMV.

HTP, CD and ECO are all flat braids with a paper filament. You can see the brown line running through the braiding. They're pretty similar in design, with HTP and probably CD being the most similar in performance.

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What is YMMV?
Your Mileage May Vary.

I don't know specifics about how LX compares to the other flat braids. It's a good German wick. I've given it a try here and there but never adopted it for anything (not necessarily because it wasn't worthy). I think of LX-30 as the Big Gun when nothing else works. Sizes 24 and up have a chemical treatment that can be helpful because of the acidity of some natural waxes.

Speaking of which, there's a special version of CD called CDN that has a comparable treatment.

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If you are talking about the plain straight sided 14oz tumblers, I have successfully single wicked them with an LX 26. I used the GL 70/30 with 9% FO. It didn't reach full MP each time, and left hangup (not a lot) on the sides, but it did eventually catch up by the end of the candle. It had some mushrooming and very little soot, but only after the candle had been burning for 4+ hours. It tended to burn more to one side as well.

The only thing that I didn't like was that the wick smoked some and the smell was soo strong it made me sick, even though it was in a large room. I used Garden Refreshmint from TSB which is a lighter scent, and it cured for 2 days. 9% is way too much IMO, I cut back to the 6 and 7% range and that is much more bearable. I like strong candles, but there can be point where they are too strong and you dont want to burn them. That was the extent of my testing and I was going to try an LX 24 but never got around to it. HTH


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Everyone has different opinions -- usually obtained from having different variables, etc. Some people may be using a wax that can do fine with single wicking in that size jar and some may not have the right wax. There are also some people that have the right wax to single wick but want to double wick for other reasons. I have been testing the status rock jars which are about the same size as the jar you mention. I cannot single wick it with the soy I use. It is a hard one. With some oils I have luck with 2 Hemps (mediums) but with other oils the mediums are way too big for double wicking, and if I go down to the smallest size it is too small. The smallest I have in the RRD's are 34's (I think there is only one size down from these) and I find them to be too big with some oils. Sometimes the type of wax (or wax and oil combinations) used just will not cut it in certain jars.

You might want to give the Hemps a try. I am not as familiar with the Eco's, HTP's or LX's. I have some but need to get some smaller sizes to try. I am going to try some other wicks and if I cannot get any of them to work well with double wicking with the soy in these jars, I will most likely try my other alternative wax with single wicking or maybe even double wicking if I can (proper burn -- not to hot, etc.) for scent throw. I prefer to double wick for scent throw, but with the soy I use I HAVE to double wick.

Gold Canyon offers some jars that are about 3 inches and they double wick them and they burn slow and the flames stay a nice size. They use a paraffin blend and zinc wicks. Again, you have to have the right wax, wick and jar combo. I like the look of single wicking better (less flickering and more elegant), but I like the scent throw better with double wicking. I figure though that if it is a smaller jar and does best with single wicking, it can be used in smaller rooms. Good luck and I hope you get the results you need.

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