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Candle Cocoon Oils in Soy or Soy Blends

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I think Candle Cacoon scents are very unique. They have 5 or 6 of my favorite scents for candlemaking. You have to burn them to smell what I am taking about and I only use 1/2 oz to lb wax with most f/o's. Great fragrance oils in her regular line. I don't use the Scent Event oils so I don't have an opinion on them. Several are great for CP soaps also.

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I use about 6% in my straight soy and have several that throw well. Some you could get away with 5%.

Fairy Dust & Twinkle Toes


Bunchberry & Moss

Winter Woodlands Whisper (can get by at 5% on this one, very strong)

Serendipity (my fav.)

Malayan Mango

Sultry Angel

Fallen Leaf

Lovely Lilac

Seashells is a nice FO, but have a hard time getting any "water type" scents to throw well in my soy.

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I use a soy blend and am currently using Fairy Dust & Twinkle Toes (very popular), Sultry Angel and Bunchberry & Moss. All great scents and throw is awesome. Next order I won't hesitate at all to order some more samples to test.

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I use Fairy Dust and Twinkle Toes (Pink Grapefruit) and Sultry Angel in B&B.

Her Mango is great as well~ but OT Mambo Mango is better. I don't use SE oils.

The Lemon Blossom in CP soap is to die for. I have used a few of her oils in testing for soy candles at 1 oz per lb. I will say that IMO they all don't knock you over with the hot throw. Testing in your own applications is the only way to gauge if they work for you.

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I will say though, that they seem to have VERY high pricing on just about everything, which leads me to believe, maybe, that their oils aren't much more concentrated, or expensive, but rather, that their markups are simply much higher than everyone else.

In other words, if someone buys an oil at $10 per pound and sells it at $16, these folks might be buying it at $10 per pound and selling it at $22. Doesn't make their oils a better quality, just makes their markups more.

An example? Their CD wicks they sell for $16 per hundred. That's pretty absurdly high. The same pour pitcher that most suppliers sell between $8 and $9, they sell for $13 ($12.95).

I could go on, but, it's something to consider. Some people simply like to work on higher margins (it's their right...certainly) which doesn't really mean that their products are any more expensive in terms of their cost, or of a higher quality.

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Most people consider her FOs to be of very good quality and the prices are in line with good suppliers such as Scent Works.

It would be unfair to expect such a small specialty supplier to have the best prices on everything, but look carefully at those wicks. Who will sell you 1 at a time like CC will? Very few will sell you 12 inch lengths so you can wick something like a pillar. If you cut in half and tab them to make the typical 6 inch assemblies the price is more like $8 per 100. Seems to me like those wicks are a pretty good offering.

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I understand. My point is only that price is not always indicative of quality and the fact that they mark up just about everything, more than most (standard items like Pour pots, and wicks) is probably indicative that they choose to work off higher markups, which would be likely apply to their fragrance oils as well.

I also don't really think it's fair for you to say that their prices are "in line with quality FO's" because, Peak's oils, Greenleaf's oils, Bittercreek's oils, and Nature's Garden oils are all considered VERY high quality, by most people on these boards, and the pricing is significantly less than theirs.

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By the way..one more thing. At no point did I say that they had to have the very best pricing on everything, or anything for that matter. However, the fact that they aren't even really COMPETITIVE on ANYTHING is indicative, again, of their markups. Don't get me wrong. As a business owner, they are entitled to mark up their product as they see fit, however, please I just want to clarify that I never, ever said that they "had to have the best prices on everything." I was simply pointing out the fact that they likely choose to work on higher margins than their competitors.

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I agree that price is not always indicative of quality and wasn't trying to misrepresent anything you said. I was just putting in my 2 cents that in this case the prices and quality are in line. Even though CC is more candle-leaning and SW is more B&B leaning, the products strike me as being comparable in strength, complexity and price. Also each CC oil gets formal feedback from 10 different outside testers before she decides whether to add it to the line.

Now of course people look for different things in FO so there's a big subjective factor. Both CC and SW are well regarded by people who like that type of product. And the product itself varies between scents. The best oils of a cheaper supplier might be "better" than the least spectacular oils of a higher end supplier. That's just the way it goes and everyone has a lot of sorting out to do. To me the Peak scents are very good for that price range, strong but simpler fragrances on the average.

So anyway I'd say the FO prices are competitive for the type of product they are and it's my preferred source of CD wicks when I use them, both for price and flexibility. Pour pots I don't know. Those are all over the map, but the number BCN can buy at once could fill up a small supplier's whole stock room.

Also notable, CC is probably the only supplier that's liable to send you a note a month or two after you bought something to see how you're doing with it.

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My 1/2penny. I am not familar with other suppliers as so far I ONLY have used CC for all of my supplies (lucky enough to live close by) but.... I love her scents and supplies and she is a very well informed, knowlegeable seller.

Maybe they all are but are the cheaper pour pots made in America - cause hers are (not that that justifies price all the time but it is a perk IMO). If I had the choice to pay a little higher and get something natural and/or made in America I would take it and pay the 2bucks. Again IMO :)

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You are definitely getting very high quality oils here. I think BCN and NG are not even close to the same league, but I am not a fan of either of those companies oils,(other than the BNL and WYW now available at BCN). I think the CC scents are so complex, they are just gorgeous! I don't always use as little percentage wise, as some say on the boards, but I do get by using much less!

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Hi. Couldn't hold out and ordered some 1 oz. samples. The prices on the samples are in line with everyone elses and they also sends smaller orders USPS to save a person shipping costs. Can't do much better than that. I did learn my lesson and will only buy samples first time around! But, can't wait to try them. Beth

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I had to ask.. what temp do you all pour CC's oil into the wax? For numerous reasons I am having a hard time with scent throw and I KNOW IT IS NOT HER OIL :)

Again thanks for hijacking your post just say lots of people in 1 spot who use CC oils and had to ask. PLEASE HELP !!

O and I use EL classic container soy.

Thank you :cheesy2:

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