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Bulk order help! PLEASE !


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hi, a customer contaced me wanting around 40 candles to give out as favours to her wedding guest. She wants to know if i offer discount for a bulk orders. But i have no idea what sort of discount is reasonable, i have only been making candles a few months and have never had a bulk order before, what kind of discount would you guys offer?

She wants cupcake/muffin candles, i make two kinds ones using a mold and ones i make by hand, she hasn't said which type she would like yet, but if she wants the ones that i have to make using a mold it would be extremley time comsuming as i have only one of these molds, where as the cupcakes i make by hand i could do all in one batch, so would my discount differ according to how easy they are to make?

Thankyou very much, think this forum is the best:)

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I have done some bulk orders like this, but I didn't give a discount. I honestly don't know whether I would give one or not in this situation. Are your prices different for the handrolled vs the molded candles? If so, then it shouldn't matter which one she chooses. Maybe you could offer her something like a 10% discount to be nice. I just don't think I would do it though. If she knows your prices, she should be willing to pay them. I wouldn't go into Yankme and ask for a discount for buying 40 candles. I guess I'm not really much help when it comes down it, lol. Good luck.

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hi, thanks for the advice

both types cupcakes are priced the same, its just that if she choses the cupcakes that i make using the mold, it would be so so time comsuming having to make 40, so don't know whether to give a discount or maybe less of a discount if she chooses these.

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Oh, I definitely think you need to factor in your time - if you're not going to spend as much time with one, versus the other, I would give a small discount on the one that's least time-consuming, and then leave the other the same price. If you just offer a simple explanation that due to the overwhelming time involved in Cupcake A, you are unable to offer a discount, they are already priced as low as possible. If you order Cupcake B, then you can get a 10% discount up to 50 of them, and a 15% discount for 50-100, or whatever. Maybe then she'll order the faster one, and more of them (you can mention how unexpected guests always show up). ;)

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hi, the customer has decided she wants the cupcakes that i do not need a mold for so that is easier for me. We agreed on a price with discount. But then she told me he wedding isnt until december 2007. She wants to place the order now on the price we agreed. But by that time mightnt the price for wax and scent have gone up so i could actually not make a profit at all?

She did hint that she might prefer to get them straight away and store them until then, but wants to know if they would loose their scent storing the all that time?

I will wrap each cupcake individually in a cellophane bag and then they will be all put in one cardboard box, i am from England so we do not have any hot weather to harm them, so would they be O.K?

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Is she saying she wants to order now to avoid any price increase next year? That doesn't really make sense because if she had just left the money in the bank it would have earned interest. Normally what I get is last minute orders, not orders in advance, so this scenario leaves me a little puzzled.

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You have a delimma with prices maybe going up. I would definitely either get a deposit or payment up front as to insure the sale but I would not make the candles now, to much can happen in over a year.

I don't make candles so don't laugh if this is wrong, but if you got payment up front you could go ahead and purchase everything minus the FO to insure pricing, that is if wax does not go bad like B&B supplies. You would need to let her know you are purchasing the supplies up front to insure pricing and that after the order has been placed with your supplier no refund is avialable. Something along these lines.

I just know how people can get ahead of themselves, have you planning on this order and then they do something else, this would at least insure you getting the sale if paid for in advance. I would also draw up an invoice stating that the sale was binding once supplies ordered.

Let us know what happens


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I get nervous thinking about what could happen if I gave her the candles now, and she was responsible for them for over a year. People get WEIRD about weddings. She may put you in a bad spot if something does happen, even if it's not of your doing. However, you can have a contract that states that you delivered the cupcakes in perfect condition, have her sign off on it and explicitly state that you are absolved of any liability from here on out. I like the idea of doing a contract, almost all wedding vendors will do a 50/25/25 contract, with the 50% due upon entering into the contract.

Good point about supply costs rising - my candles are priced so that small increases will affect my profit, but not by much - are you cutting it pretty close to the bottom line? If so, then I would build that into the contract. I would put in there that the price quoted is good from now until Sept. 1st, and if she signs and gives you 50% of the price, then I would go ahead and buy as many supplies ahead of time as you can, and just let it sit.

That's a weird situation - what an organized bride.

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If you are interested, I have a full wedding favors sheet with all of my products (including candles) that you can look off of for pricing. My pricing may be a little different though since I buy in such large bulk, but it may get you started :)

KristinesShower@aol.com - and I will email it to you. (or whoever else is interested in taking a peek)

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I would be very leary of signing a pricing contract with her so far in advance. Prices are going to go up. Many candle supplies are petroleum based and we all know about gasoline prices. Wax is on the increase already, I've heard some incredible price jumps-like $20.00 A CASE INCREASE. Also remember weddings planned so far in advance do not always happen and you may be stuck. Ask me how I know.


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