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KY Bases "Separating"?


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I need some help with the ky soy body whip as well as the body glaze bases. I have used them for quite a while now for my husband and myself. But, for our own use, I have never added any FO or color to them.... just straight base for us.

I have had some friends that wanted to help me out, so they purchased some from me in 4 oz. clear plastic containers that I got from kangaroo blue. I mix each base with 1lb. of base to .1 oz of Body Safe fragrance oil (less than what is recommended as .16 FO for 1 lb base is what is recommended) and No color. I use an electric mixer to mix and make sure to whip it for at least 2-3 minutes to thoroughly mix the FO in. I allowed them to cure for 48 hours before delivering them to my girlfriends. 24 hours later, my friend calls me saying that my lotions are starting to "separate". That is the word that she used. I know that I whipped the FO thoroughly into them before putting them into the containers. What is causing this? The only thing that I can think is that it is the FO beginning to change the color of the lotion base. When this occurs, does it look as if the lotion is separating? If this sounds familiar to anyone or if you have any help that you all can offer me, it would be greatly appreciated.


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With the soy whip I don't think you are whipping long enough. I use a kitcken aide and beat the heck out of it. After the first minute or two it will look as though it is seperating, keep going,it will come together.

I have some in a closed car that is being tested through heat cycles, temps reaching 110%. After 2 weeks, no signs of seperation.

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Thanks, Patricia, for your quick response. Yes, I contacted KY and they said that they haven't experienced this with either of the bases. They thought that maybe they had been kept in a hot location where they were sort of melting.

I have called and it seems that the bases look nice and whipped and that they are just turning color rather than actually separating. I have read many times that different FO's will do this. I didn't expect it to make the lotions look as though something were wrong though. Perhaps I should be coloring them to hide this issue.

How long do you all wait before you normally see color changes take effect after making up a scented base like this?


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With the soy whip I don't think you are whipping long enough. I use a kitcken aide and beat the heck out of it. After the first minute or two it will look as though it is seperating, keep going,it will come together.

I have some in a closed car that is being tested through heat cycles, temps reaching 110%. After 2 weeks, no signs of seperation.

Alrighty, I will definately whip it longer! I really love these bases. Thanks, Gene!

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I've used Vic's Soy Whip for quite she's had it available.

I've never had a separating problem.

If you use any vanilla based scents, it will change color.

I have some Vanilla Bean Noel that has turned brownish, but it's fine!

Just discoloring from the vanilla.

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I have had used their soy before and I really like it but I don't like to take the chances that it is finicky. I do think it is the fo used. I have had great success with lots of fo's but some don't work well with it at all. I did find that Vickis oils worked really well. I tried Peaks Sweet Pea and it turned to liquid. I have had some in the heat in my car in the middle of Texas heat and it didn't separate but got a little watery but when temps cooled off it got back to solid stage again. I have mentioned this to her before and her response was the same "it's never happened before and no one has complained". She does not like it when you ask things like that on her message board. The soy butter also has a tendency to get black yucky stuff. No it's not my containers b/c when I got 3 gallons from them it had black nasty stuff growing in it already. She never said it was mold and yet couldn't say what it was but she got upset b/c I asked about it on her board. I love the product snd sold tons of it but I am not willing to take chances on what it may do once I send it off to buyers.

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