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How long does the scent in your tarts last?

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Hey all!

I've been buying tarts from a wonderful lady for years (no one on candletech :) ).. Her tarts melt nicely, are super strong and in most of the scents, the hot throw will last for a minimum of 24 hours (it won't be as strong after awhile, but I can still smell them)! They're awesome. Now that I've decided to make my own (in an attempt to save money, HA!!), I'm finding that I can make them strong, but that the scent will fade after about 8 hours or so, sometimes they'll last a bit longer. I know it's not candle nose, because I can leave for hours and come home and definitely tell it's faded. I'm using high quality FOs (mostly Peaks) at 9-10%. I'm just wondering what the norm is. How long does the scent last in your tarts? Just curious :) Thanks!


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I guess mine will last about 14 to 20 hours, in most cases. Really depends on the fo. But I don't burn just one, I always melt 2. I have one now that I can't melt for more than a couple of hours because it is just too darn strong. I will cut back on that fo next time. It was Greenleaf's Violet Musk, I like it, but it gets so strong I can taste it!!

Pam R

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I pour the clams..and two squares only last about 8 hours for me. When I up'd my % of FO to make them stronger I got a few complaints about it being too strong. So I went back to my regular.."non complainging" formula and am content with the 8 hours....For now anyway

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Thanks guys. LOL at your "Non-complaining" formula. I like 'em strong, so I definitely wouldn't complain.

I guess I'm scent greedy :) I want my tarts to last as long as possible, but it seems like 8-10 hours is the norm. I had a fabulous Cool Citrus Basil going yesterday all day and I could still somewhat smell it this morning. Guess that's pretty good :) I threw one my neighbor's way, so I'll see what she thinks. Thanks :grin2:

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Oh gosh, what wax have I not tried, LOL. Since the tarts are just for me, I'm constantly changing waxes. I've used 4794, 1343 (which was awful btw), 6228 with J223, 1343 with J223, J223 with stearic, KY ParaSoy....you name it, I've tried it, LOL. And I still haven't settled on the "perfect" wax yet (if it exists, LOL). For the most part, the throw lasts about the same amount. Maybe I should up the FO and see if that would work (although I usually do 10%....hmmmmmmmmm). Maybe I've just fried my nose.

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Yep 1343 by itself is awful. I haven't tried 6228 or the ky blend but I did liked the J223 mixed with soy and a touch of 1343

I finally settled with CB some 143 Parafin and soy and it works great at 8% It was 10% that people gave me hard time saying the scent was too strong.

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I use Ezsoy and I get bored before they lose thier scent. I put them in a potpourri simmer pot and the first day they will smell up the whole bathroom plus my bedroom, then they slowly fade in the bedroom and stick to the bathroom. I've had them going for 4 weeks sometimes and they are still really strong in the bathroom.

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The link above with take you to Tess's page where there are TWO tart swaps posted with reviews. One is the Valentine swap and the other is the Eastar swap. Maybe read through those reviews and get an idea of how other are doing it and the reviews that each gets.

I personally use a soy mix and my customers are very very happy! they last about 10-12 hours per two chunks.

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Thanks guys :) I've actually read the tart reviews (I LOVE hearing what others do and what others think about their creations...someday I'll perfect my recipe and join in :) I'd love it if they'd say what wax they used.

Out of all the wax I've used...I've never tried soy. I've got it stuck in my head that I don't want to muck with frosting and all that jazz, plus the soy tarts I've used all stuck to my warmer so badly that even when frozen, it was soooo hard to get out.

For you paraffin users, do you just use vybar? I used 1343 and vybar 103 and the scent pretty much vanished in 5 hours or so. It was awful (and I didn't like how they looked). Maybe it's just the 1343 (or maybe it's just the wax user, LOL.).

Thanks again for all your thoughts! I totally appreciate it!


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I guess this is going to sound strange but I've had several people test my tarts and they say the fragrance can last anywhere from 3 days to a week, sometimes longer! I use them as well and it depends on the fragrance that i use if they last under 3 days. I use pure beeswax for tarts. I tried soy but that didn't work and paraffin was ok but nothing works like beeswax.

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Hibiscus: It's not strange. My brother tells me the ones that he gets from me last for days...sometimes a week or more. I tell him that he's out of his mind...but he swears it to be true. It may be that I am just accustomed to a strong scent for a shorter period of time that when it starts to get on the light side, IMO, it's time to get rid of it and put in another. I think some people enjoy a soft lingering scent...but not me...I want to smell it alot!

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LOL, Fern, you are just like me. If it's not blowing me out of the house...I get rid of it :) Okay, so that being said. I've come to a very obvious conclusion...it's definitely FO type and quality that determines how long the scent lasts. I put a Lilac tart in the burner at 8 this morning (from Peak) and it is SUPER strong still 11 hours later. I had a Creme de la Creme (from Daystar) tart in yesterday and it was gone in 5 hours. Go figure :)


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TartAddict: LOL, I am just like you! And you're right, it really depends on the scent just how long they last. I can use the same combo of wax and the same amount of fo, but each scent lasts for a different amount of time and throws at varying degrees of strength. Fresh Comfort and Sunwashed Linen will blow your socks off...and it's not for everyone...but it's great for me. I can burn those two from sun up to sun down and they'll still have some left over for the next day. Burberry Brit is a softer scent and no matter how much fo I add, it just won't throw very strongly, but I've got quite a few people who like that scent, regardless of the lighter throw. I don't particularly care for it myself, but I make them any way to please a few people that want it.

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but I use my leftover f.o. and throw a chunk of wax in a jar with the f.o., and melt that. I don't want to use my tarts. I'm a bad girl:p .

I couldnt help but laugh...I could just see myself doing the same thing...:grin2:

As I am just starting out, I was using the Palm 2 for tarts and was wondering

if J223/soy mix would work...and I saw a post here that refers to that...hmmm I will try that out after we get back from vacation

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You'll probably get a much better scent throw using the J223/soy blend then you ever will with Palm 2. Palm doesn't really throw very strongly. Check out the other blend...I bet you'll like it better. :smiley2:

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Thanks guys! It's great to get some feedback :)

Faithsem, I've never used Palm 2 for tarts, but if you use the J223, be sure to use a harder wax with it (like a pillar wax) or the tarts will be a smeary, greasy, mess (trust me, I know :) LOL). Just a thought!


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