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Almost embarrassed to ask this question...but...

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Whenever I see someone say "use 1 ounce of fo", I don't know how much 1 ounce is. (stop rolling your eyes at me) :) I've been just guessing because the fo I have is in 2 ounce bottles, so I've been estimating it. Does 1 ounce equal a tablespoon? Maybe a teaspoon? Is there an easy way to convert ounces to actually measurements that I can use?

(I'm normally a bright guy...but this one makes me feel dumb)

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Candle ingredients are measured by weight not volume. Using a teaspoon or tablespoon gives you a VOLUME measurement. To get a precise 1 oz by weight you must use a scale.

Example: a gallon of water weighs less than a gallon of milk, even though by volume they are the same.

Clear as mud????

You can get a scale at WalMart in the kitchen section. It is not a top of the line, but it will do to get you started. Estimating by using half the bottle of a 2 oz bottle will get the job done for now. :)

Good Luck!


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I was either using measuring spoons or "eyeballing" it... The measuring spoons were fairly accurate, except when I was using "heavy" fo's... THEN, I bought a digital scale-- nothing fancy, just the one in WalMart (Good Cook's brand, less than $30) and IT'S A WHOLE NEW WORLD! Moral of the story is to get the digital scale... even the cheap one. It's toally worth it!:) JMHO,

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Yup, just be sure to cover it when you're using it. FO's do NOT play nicely with plastic scale housings. Ask me how I know. :sad2:

Yep. I almost ruined a good scale by accidentally spilling FO all over it. I'm not sure if I was more upset about the scale or about losing the FO, lol. But I use a decent scale from Wal-Mart. Cost about $25 and works great. It's a good investment.

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For a long time I used a small glass baby bottle that had oz marks on it. It worked well enough.

When I finally got a scale I tested several different scents by using the baby bottle and then weighing to check it and there wasn't really any noticeable difference in an oz. When using 3-4 oz's there was a visible difference in liquid measure vs weight.

In my tests of 4 oz weighed samples of several diff scents I couldn't see ANY difference in the liquid amounts. But I only tested the 6 scents that I had on hand at the time.

If the candles smell good and don't bleed you're all set :-)

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We have had this discussion( Search it) before and YES you can use 2 TABLESPOONS,,Dont believe me??? TRY weighing it!!!! GEEZZZZ already!!!!:P:laugh2:

edited to add,,,sorry if this seemed a mean post,,I didnt mean for it to sound that way,,

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I'm thinking that if we can't ask the same questions over and over or every now and again...we should just limit this forum to a SEARCH ENGINE and leave the off topic a place for us to keep in touch....whatcha think? :)

I totally agree with you on this!! I think if someone has asked the same ? that has been asked 3,000 times and it ticks you off, don't reply to their post. JMO:)

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