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Scent Slogans

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For each section on the website I'm building I have a different slogan. So far I have:

Sensationally Scented

Fantasically Fragranced

Amazingly Aromatic

Perfectly Perfumed

Wonderfully Whiffy (yes, I know, they're getting worse)

I've run out of slogans now. Can anyone think of any more? preferably with both words starting with the same letter!



PS - Has any ever seen a spoon mould anywhere? I'd like a mould of a teaspoon if possible.

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Naturally Nauseating is a good one to describe the smell of my house. I've got peach, coffee, pear, mango and mandarin, apple and rosemary mint candles all on the go at the moment...the dog looks poorly and my hubby says his porridge tastes funny (he does it in the microwave, and I've not got round to telling him I used it to melt apple scented wax the other day)

Thanks for the other suggestions - they'll go on the list I think. I need 8 in total so I'm halfway there!

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my hubby says his porridge tastes funny (he does it in the microwave, and I've not got round to telling him I used it to melt apple scented wax the other day)

LOL, reminds me of the time we had lavender spaghetti and clean cotton coffee. I like your alliterations, though I wasn't creative enough to contribute any. Good luck with your new website!
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