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Can I just say....

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I hate soy!!!!!!!!

Holy smokes!! U can't get it to burn!! It is horrable!!

I feel like the only reson it does not smoke is because it does not burn right..or like parifin...

para soy is different..But I mean 100% soy is yucky@!!!!!!!!

we have tried every wic...rrd's,htp's ,Cd's,lx's

ANd the stuff just bites...

Is there a new level of acceptance when it comes to soy?

what is acceptiable in parafin is not acceptibale in soy! I love my zink wicks..and my parafin...

Do U guys find there is a lower standard of burning when it comes to soy?

Wicks that are burnt out? and have big embers on the ends..so the flame looks like crap? That has happend with Every wic we have used!!

and If You double wic it..Holy cow talk about wild stuff...and discoloring the wax...

I like my candles to have a flame that glows and is bright...

What is the point of soy...when U add fo it makes it not natural..anyway....

sorry Just venting!!! I hate soy...I think i will always hate soy...

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I use 100% soy with beeswax, with a 100% soy your never going to have a perfect looking candle. It will look rough after you burn it, and sometimes before you burn it.

Sometimes I share your frustrations with soy, but I like it. I have never used parafin so I don't have a clue. All I know is that its smooth.

I don't think my standards are low with my soy, I want the same thing as parafin candle makers. A nice looking, clean burning, awesome smelling candle.

With soy I have noticed that, Looks aren't everything to everybody, and frosting comes with the territory.

Not to be nosy but what kind of container were you using to test??

Good Luck,

Mindy :)

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I'm actually LOL here, as I'm a soy hater too.

Different reasons than you though! Pre-candle, it stinks.

Post-candle, I can still smell that soy smell.

Maybe I have an overactive snout, who knows. But, can't

stand the stuff. I can't even add it to paraffin, as I can

still smell it.

I say stick with your paraffin!

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I started out with parrafin and switched to soy. If you're not willing to devote A LOT of time and testing to get the results, go back to what you were using before the soy. It isn't for everyone. I love it and I use zinc wicks. You have to accept alot of different results with soy. I don't have any sort of a problem with getting it to throw for me either nor color issues but that just me and my soy wax. I never use additives either although I do conbine more than one soy wax to get my results. I've got my formula mastered but that just me.

Many local chandlers tried to switch to soy and gave up because they refused to take the time to understand the nature of soy waxes. They want instant results and you can't have those with soy. They refused to pour at the right temps, cure a candle properly. They gave up and got out of candles.

I personally love it and would get out of candles completely before going back to parrifin. But that me.:lipsrseal

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Waxwench, you're not alone! I, too, can smell and hate the soy smell. I have been mixing with paraffin, though, and can handle it much better, but still having wick issues so I'm playing with the blend ratio.

I tried EZsoy and had problem after problem...scent leakage, ugly tops, frosting, inconsistent burning during testing. Every jar burned different even with the same FO and wick. Some folks are sooo lucky!

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I do both kinds of candles and love both and refuse to give up making either kind of candle. LOL

You do have to have a bit of a different mindset when going the soy route. They are not easy, but I love my soy. Sorry to hear it's been such a pain for you! The only thing about soy that I dislike is how they burn differently in different weather. That does kinda bug me, but nothing I can do about the weather so I guess I'd better just learn to roll with it. :)

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I started with soy so I don't know much about paraffin. I tested a lot of soy waxes and a lot of wicks before I chose to use EZSoy. I have different wicks for different containers, mostly Ecos and CDs. I agree that soy can sometimes take on peculiar characteristics such as bumpy tops or frosting, but neither my customers nor I seem to mind it.

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LOL!! I love the looks of soy! ANd I can smell the soy when I light it and when I blow it out...I have been a candlemaker for over 10years..and I am not about to quit now..I just don't like what I see as far as burning..we have been testing soy for over 6 months and have yet to make a batch of strait soy that I like...I am using ezsoy..I don't mind frosting ect..I just don't like the way it burns..

that is just me..I know there is alot of soy lovers out there..And we will keep working and testing it...

but i was just fustrated with MY results...

Thanks for the pick up!

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I have started into soy,,finding I really like the new GB 464,,with Soy I have found you either have to use 2 wicks or the largest you can find,,I am happy with this wax using HTP 1312 for the 464,,,I have noticed with the different FOs I need to double wick,,But I think it is so worth it!!! I am a paraffin lover and will continue with it for my pillars..but I want to make soy containers,,,

HAve you tried the 700 premier series wicks? A lot of Soy users love them for that...Any way Good Luck!!:D

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I have always used paraffin and palm and just last week poured my very first soy blend and pure soy ( both from greenleaf ) I'm lovin the 70/30 and the pure soy so far is doing great. I had read the veg. board forever it seems so I was prepared for the weirdness of all soy so I don't mind the frosting, bumpy tops etc. I'm hoping to have an all soy line with eo's as fragrance. Only time will tell, I may end up slinging them out the door in frustration:grin2:

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