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I just made... *CUT PICS ADDED*

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Can I just say that you have made about the prettiest soap that I have ever seen.

ALSO: As a consumer...I am always feeling 'left out' because of the beautiful things that I see on the market and especially on this site.

You all would be surprised how many ppl out here have allergies...skin allergies, eczema, and psoriasis, and various other dermatisis problems.


I think that everyone of our soaper friends should consider making just a couple of things and add it to their line...FRAGRANCE FREE.

My skin burns from fragrance, I mean like burns to peeling. I also have eczema...I'm a mess. Yet everytime I look at the beautiful stuff you gals make, my heart just yearns.

So, maybe you look at this as a mistake, but honestly, that's how most of the world's greatest inventions and achievements were born.

As for me, I could just kiss your husband!!! :yay:


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Gorgeous soap even if it is fragrance free ;) I did something similar once. I stood back to admire the best swirl I'd ever done only to realize as I was cleaning up my mess that I'd forgotten one of the oils. I had a beautifully swirled, lye heavy soap :(

Your DH should have to pay a "take me out to dinner fine" :laugh2:

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Awww, Grumpy, I feel your pain. I've done the same dang thing. Made a beautiful swirled batch, turned around ... and there was the stooopid fo still sitting patiently in its little cuppy on the counter. !@#$! Unfortunately, DH and kids were outta the room at the time, so I have no one to blame but myself. LOL

GOOD POINT about no beautiful unscented soaps, ladies! You've just inspired me to make a new pretty soap with lots of swirls...'cos swirls are a LOT easier when you're dealing with unscented soap!! :yay:

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Wow, those swirls are great. Althought I usually add the FO along with my oils, before I did that I would leave my FO cuppie inside the actual prepared mold. That way, If I went to pour the soap I would see it in there and realize that I forgot to add it. That was a great tip I picked up on the dish- can't remember from who though.

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You did a great job with your swirls, the colors are fantastic,some of the most beautiful colors I have ever seen, I would love to have a shirt in that color. If you still need a tester, just let me know I would be more than happy to test for you and give you an honest opinon.

Sue Ann

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Thanks guys... I'm thinking about the many ways I could murder him right now. So far I haven't come up with anything that is harsh enough. :laugh2:

Make sure you use his fats for soaps!

Kind of like on the movie "Fight Club".

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