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Finally did it!!!


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After months of researching, reading everthing I can get my hands on, reading through lots of threads on here, and a very patient Carmen (ebcandles) letting me watch her and ask a gazillion questions- I finally did it! I made my first CP by myself this weekend. :D It was SOOO fun, and now I just want to make more!

It wasn't so scary, either!!! I did just fine with the lye, and the worst complication I had to deal with was wearing safety glasses when mixing the lye, and having them completely fog up on me. :angry2: (OH NO!! I'm going blind from lye!! Oh wait, that's just the glasses....) LOL

I used a really basic recipe- Olive, Coconut and Palm oils, and scented it with BCN's Cucumber Melon. No color yet- wanted to see it natural.

So I now have a big block o' yummy smelling soap on my kitchen counter, and I couldn't be prouder! It's like I gave birth to it or something! :laugh2: I don't have a cutter yet but figured I'd cut a few bars with a regular knife- that was a disaster, so I'm off to the hardware store tonight to see what I can find.

I did take pictures, but it's just a big ol' off-white block- not too exciting to show off. :grin2:

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Yeah, I tend to "reseach" the heck out of something before I get brave enough to actually DO it! (aka- I am a big chicken!!) I saw a demo at the Chicago conference last year- so it's almost been a year of "research". :D

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Somebody get that dancin baby out! Congratulations on your 1st batch! Great that you were able to watch Carmen do a batch - I got to watch Bunny do a batch before I did my 1st....and it really does help! But I gotta admit, Robin's tutorial was awesome as well! If I didn't get to watch Bunny, it really is just like Robin's tutorial! I kept that tutorial with me for the first 10 batches or so....just like a warm fuzzy!



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