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HUGE customer rant

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I am tired of people thinking I am a charity. I have a website with STATED prices. No where on there does it say "$14.95 or your best offer." Why do people think it is okay to haggle because I am a small business? Latest: Woman bough TWO 11 oz candles. TWO. So in her comment field on her order she puts "Do you discount for large orders?" I responded to her and said (as stated on my site) that I normally will give 10% off for orders of $100 or more. I thought she was asking that question because she had planned on ordering more in the future. NO! She thought TWO candles was a large order! Seriously, if you are ordering something off of Yankmee's site, are you going to have the nerve to ask them for a discount? It is not as though I am a total scrooge, either. I have coupons for my stores, punch cards, discounts at shows and on larg(er) orders, shipping discounts on my site for larger orders, etc. Shocking to some of my customers, maybe, but I am in business to try and turn a profit.

Okay, there, I feel better now. :)

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I totally understand. People are bad about it at shows. They would come up to me and be like, "well, the lady down there has candles for X amount each. I just smile, and sweetly say, that is wonderful!!!

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Oh that type of behavior makes me nuts! :wink2:

I can't imagine going into a restaurant and haggling with the waiter on what my bill should be. You know what I say, if you have to ask, you can't afford it! This is one of the many reasons I don't do shows. One episode of that kind of crap would send me over the edge, real quick.

Kimberly and I are possibly doing a artsy, high end show at an upscale location in Wine Country. This might be my first, and things like that will definitely make it my last. Wholesale is just so much easier.

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I don't think the public has a clue what it takes to make a great scented candle. But the worst are the other chandles who come to your both to try and haggle. Or a neighbor who owns a smaall gift shop and want your lowest wholesale price. I tell them to leave their info and I'll mail it to thyem but they are trying to get a dozen candles for $70.00? I don't think so.

Most clients understand and I do have over twenty or so customers who buy by the case at shows. But the shop owners drive me bonkers!:tongue2:

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Guest EMercier

Yea, I get people that tell me they can get me orders and ask if I'll "hook them up". I'm like get me the orders first and then we'll talk. I swear I am not a swap meet and I don't "hook you up" without getting significant business. I feel your pain. I've had people come up to me saying the can get something else another place, I tell them to go ahead. For every person like that I lose, I get 3-4 more. I'm not worried.

edited for my horrible spelling.

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I don't think the public has a clue what it takes to make a great scented candle. But the worst are the other chandles who come to your both to try and haggle. Or a neighbor who owns a smaall gift shop and want your lowest wholesale price. I tell them to leave their info and I'll mail it to thyem but they are trying to get a dozen candles for $70.00? I don't think so.

Most clients understand and I do have over twenty or so customers who buy by the case at shows. But the shop owners drive me bonkers!:tongue2:

lol...Next time they ask for 12 candles for $70.00 ask them, "which scented 12 pack tea lights do you want....lol.hehehehehe

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I get that all the time also. I have retail pricing on my site and they feel if they buy a couple of jars, a few bars that I should either give them a deal on tax or throw something in for free. The nerve of some people. Stick to your guns and don't give in. I always say to people like that, "when you go to such and such a store, do you ask the teller for a deal?" That shuts em up.

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Oh that type of behavior makes me nuts! :wink2:

I can't imagine going into a restaurant and haggling with the waiter on what my bill should be.

I work at a pizza place and we get this all the time !!! but lesson learned the people who want the best deal / good hook up don't tip even if you give it to them so they aren't worth your time :)

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Had a lady come up to my booth at a show last year and she said...."the lady down there selling candles has a 3 for deal if you buy three candles" And I just looked at her and she said "how much are your candles?" I said they are $10 each. She said do you have a 3 for deal...I said, "I do....3 for $30!!!" ;)

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Had a lady come up to my booth at a show last year and she said...."the lady down there selling candles has a 3 for deal if you buy three candles" And I just looked at her and she said "how much are your candles?" I said they are $10 each. She said do you have a 3 for deal...I said, "I do....3 for $30!!!" ;)

LOL....That's funny!:laugh2:

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OH Damn what pisses me off is when Ill get an idiot customer now then, who say something like "Joe Blow down the walk has their candles 5 for $20" So Ill be like thats nice, blah blah blah, then I'll mosey on over cuz I am think How in the hecj do they do that, well Ill walk up and there is a big sign that says "Votive or Sample Jars 5/$20" Then I'll roll my eyes unsurprised that someone would actually compare a "Votive" to a 9oz Jar.

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Tess, I believe it, people try to pull that crap on me all the time ~ comparing apples to alligators. What I really hate is a show where someone is selling at a loss & making outrageous claims. One vendor claimed to have all 'natural' homemade triple scented 16 oz candles with healing powers for $5.

A whole pound of healing for $5. Sheesh. If I have the misfortune of being at another show with this fool I swear l'm taping their mouth shut with all natural duct tape with healing powers :laugh2:

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Tess, I believe it, people try to pull that crap on me all the time ~ comparing apples to alligators. What I really hate is a show where someone is selling at a loss & making outrageous claims. One vendor claimed to have all 'natural' homemade triple scented 16 oz candles with healing powers for $5.

A whole pound of healing for $5. Sheesh. If I have the misfortune of being at another show with this fool I swear l'm taping their mouth shut with all natural duct tape with healing powers :laugh2:

ROFLMAO Yep I have those too (Maybe we go to the same shows :laugh2: )

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