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Bottom of votives sticking to wick pin--help/suggestions!?

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About 1/3 of my votives are not releasing from the wick pins

:eek:. I have tried putting them in the freezer for a moment, but I'm still getting chunks that break off the bottoms and remain stuck to the wick pins.....then I have to re-melt and re-pour, cause they don't sit flat.

Do I need to use that release spray ( is that for soy??). It just really stinks when only one of the three I made are worth a ****.

TIA for any other suggestions :D

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Has the wax gotten under the wick pin? If so just use your thumb nail to pry the base off a little. Should pull right out. Remember reading someplace if you put the votives in the fridge to get them out of the cup you need to let the votive return to room temp before removing the pin. HTH

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I use a release wax and my votives don't stick at all. I tried the wick pins and I just don't like them. It took me a long time to find a soy wax that my scents throw great in both hot and cold. When I used the wick pins they too stuck. So I did away with the wick pins and my votives don't stick. The only other time the votives stuck is when I, having a blonde moment, hot glued the wicks down in the votive molds. What an idiot I was that day. If you find out why they stick let me know and I might try the wick pins again.

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Deb-- I am using the Ecosoya PB, and add a little bit of CB to it to soften it up a tad (had a few people suggest this, including my supplier)

CandleMan-- I just might have to agree, that there is a bit too much work involved to do votives. Perhaps I'll just stick w/my tarts.

Yes, at times there is a tiny bit of wax that gets under the pin, and I do scrape it off w/my nail or a butter knife.

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Try the heat gun on the bottom of the pin. Then tap the top of the pin. It is fast and easy and it works fantastic. You only heat them for about 3or 4 seconds each. This works for any type of pillar blend I have tried.

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Try the heat gun on the bottom of the pin. Then tap the top of the pin. It is fast and easy and it works fantastic. You only heat them for about 3or 4 seconds each. This works for any type of pillar blend I have tried.

yup...guess it's time for a heat gun :o

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