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candle party suggestions


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A friend of mine is throwing me a candle party! I've never done this before and would LOVE to hear your suggestions... I figure I'll get all the girls drunk, then steal their wallets! :D At least I'm hoping they'll buy my stuff. I know I should take anything /everything I can sell, since most people I know like to buy what they can see... So I'll have candles, soaps, some bath salts, and maybe a couple of other things if I get my supplies in time... any help/ suggestions would be awesome!!!

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Shoot, I just give a very brief spiel about myself and my biz, then start passing around candles and soaps to sniff. I give people pen and paper, and they jot down which kinds they like 'cos they tend to forget. LOL Then they just snag what they want and BUY! Woohoo! Then the hostess serves refreshments.

Best of luck -- hope you sell your brains out! :grin2:

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And don't forget money!! I'll never forget my first house party....I forgot the da@# money :angry2: I was lucky enough that my 2 daughters and mom was there and between all of us we had enough change.

I just shake my head every time I think about that :embarasse

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And don't forget money!! I'll never forget my first house party....I forgot the da@# money :angry2: I was lucky enough that my 2 daughters and mom was there and between all of us we had enough change.

I just shake my head every time I think about that :embarasse

LOL, that's too funny Gerrie!!

Well, I know the one I did last year the hostess made pablano soup, a cheese and veggie tray and most importantly, lots of wine. Yep, the girlies got snokered and money was no object. I kinda felt guilty but I pretty much just walked around answering questions and laughing at them. The hostess kept asking me if wanted some wine. I had to decline. Someone had to be of their wits! :laugh2: It really was a fun and funny party.

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I've only done one, and the hostess told me when I got there that she didn't want any kind of presentation or games!! So I just set up my display on her dining table, hung out in the dining room to be available to answer questions, and had a great party. There were only about 10 people there but I sold around $400, so I guess it worked out fine to not do a presentation. I kind of hated not to do one, because I had worked hard to create 30 folders with pictures of all my products, fragrance lists, and order forms and had brought prizes for the nonexistent games! So we just changed the name to door prizes and had drawings for them.

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I was wondering. I make container candles and tealights. I've got 3 different sizes of containers to choose from and I also make those clear glycerin soaps with the toy inside for kids. Is this enough of a selection to have a candle party with? Or do you suggest I wait until I have more selection?


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I talk a little bit about my products, tell funny customer stories, and play a ton of games that are not related to my products. Most of the peeps love to book cuz everyone seem to have fun. They all tell me that it is so mcuh fun and they dont' have to listen to a long spiel, they spend more time laughing, and relaxing, and that is what keeps them coming back for more. I do have a sample basket that has all my b/b items in it for them to pass around and try, and I also have a candle that I take to each show and light before it starts. I give away sample sized products that I make as the prizes. It is a way for them to try something they normally may not buy. I can normally count on a sale after someone recieves a prize, the next show they come to, they order more!

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I thank everyone for coming, give my hostest her gift and then I talk a little about my product. I play a game immediately after that and that gets them laughing and relaxed and they love to win stuff. Then they mob the tables for what they want. I usually take orders also. If I have enough stuff there, I have less orders to take. It's usually just a few since I try to bring so much with me.

One of the best things I started to do was take a big basket of tarts. I bring a big basket full of assorted tarts...they love going through and smelling them. It gets them talking about the scents and asking questions. I usually end up selling about half the basket.

About halfway through tallying everyone up, I announce how much the hostess has earned so far. That usually gets the crowd excited a bit.

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  • 5 months later...

I always get to the hostess home about 20 mins earlier than guests and remember to take a table cloth to protect hostess table! After introducing myself i usually start with the pass the gift game which relaxes everyone and gets them eager to play more games to win prizes , i find they appreciate it and order more!I try not to talk for too long and pass items round for the guests to smell- it keeps them interested! Remind them that you can take orders and it's not just what they see.

Don't forget your diary incase others want to book a pty,and remember to relax and have fun!!!!!!!!!!

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