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Additive to make M&P remain liquid?


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Is there something that can be added to M&P once it is melted to make it remain a liquid hand soap? I would imagine simply adding water would not be the answer because wouldn't that then require the addition of preservatives?

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I've never tried this before but I have a recipe for making liquid hand soap out of m&p base.

4oz white glycerin soap

2c. water

grate soap. spread on cookie sheet and allow to dry for 72 hours. place water and grated soap in measuring cup and slowly melt in microwave. stir and cool mixture. if too thin, add soap. if too thick, add water. mixture can be reheated. when cool, pour into pump bottle.

Like I said, I've never tried this but if you have extra base you may try it out. Let me know how it turns out if you do.


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