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questions re GW 435 (Golden)

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Hi...I live in northern California and I am just getting back into candle making. I want to switch over to soy/natural wax since I lost my previous distributor of my DK 5766 and I would like to try a "cleaner burning" wax. I have been doing all the research on the different waxes (on this board and others) and had pretty much decided to try the EZ soy (and order from BCN). Then, after reading previous posts it appears that Golden wax 415 is/may be the same exact thing (I can get that cheaper at Peaks due to shipping). While on the Golden website I was intrigued by a GW 435 which is a soy/cottonseed oil blend and which appears to MAYBE be similar/dup of KY 125. I couldn't find any messages regarding the GW 435...has anyone used this wax and is it, in fact, the same as KY 125 (which many people seem to like)?? I appreciate any help at all!! Thanks in advance...;)

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Hi and welcome back to candling!

At first I though the 435 is a tart/votive wax but GB already has a tart/votive/pillar blend, and on Peak's site it describes it like a container blend with appropriate MP.

Sorry I'm not much help but hello anyway!


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I use to use GF 415 all the time, some times it had cotton seed and some times not. Depending on the cost of cotton seed. So I think they changed the number to 435 and it will have cotton seed all the time where 415 is just soy. At least I think that is what happened. I prefer soy with cotton seed some perfer 100% soy, I find all soy harder to work with so I swiched to 435 all the time. As far as KY goes I couldn't say what is what....

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First of all Welcome to the board!! You will firn a really helpful group of people here!

I live up in OR, so hi neighbor!! I just received my 10lb sample of the 435 from peaks and I am testing it right now. I used KY125 and NEVER used any other wax. It is to early to make to many predictions, but so far YES it is very much like the KY125. It will cost me 8.00 less per case to order from Peaks. I am still deciding if I want to pay the difference and keep KY or not.

I have my first tester lit and it is scented with KY's Gardena at a rate of 1.5 oz pp and is in my 9oz hex jar. I am using the same wicks and did everything the same as I did with the KY and so far there is no difference.



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Hi Patricia!! Thank you so much for your response...please keep me updated on this...I will probabaly go with this wax (gw435) if it gets good "reviews" from you...especially since you have experience with the KY125 and can compare them. Does the 435 come in slab or flake/pastille form? And, yes...this is a great board! I'm glad I found it. Also, do you know of any other suppliers of candle supplies in our "neck of the woods"? Thanks again!!

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Well from testing so far they are not identical...very close. Here is what I did so far.

I heated the 435 just like I do my KY125 and poured into my pour pot. added color (liquid) and scent at a rate of 1.5 oz pp. I started out with the HTP105's and that wick is a little to small. So according to the wick chart the HTP105 burns at a rate of .22 gph and the 60-44-18C burns at a rate of .25 gph so I wicked one up to a 60c and the other I stuck an ECO 10 in that one is a rate of .27 gph. I have some ECO 8's on the way and i am thinking they may be a good one. An LX 21 is a rate of .25gph too. I have not tested CD wicks but will before it is all over. I need to order test wicks of the CD and see how it goes. I will post later after 3-4 hours of first burn and let ya know how it goes.

Also, the GB435 sets up nicer so far than the KY no frosting (so Far) and tops are a little smoother.

I think this wax is worth testing.


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Also, I wonder if Peak is not selling a lot of this wax at the moment could the batches be from older crops? Is there a date on the box or anything? Something to think about when testing! You know how some batches seem to be harder to burn then others? I don't make many candles anymore so when I do order wax sometimes it is different then the previous cases I have gotten. Something to do with the crops at certain times of year. Of course I could be way off but I still pounder these things :tongue2: I've tried many different soy waxes and the soy/cottonseed is still my favorite.

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Patricia...thanks again for you response. That helps alot. How is it for re-pours? Can it be considered a 1-pour? Also, how does scent throw compare to the KY125? This will be me 1st foray into soy candling and, from my previous experience..people buy primarily for scent. I'm generally not too concerned at how my candles look...just how they smell (cold and hot). Thanks again!!! I guess we can never be sure if its exactly the same as the 125.

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HI poocha

if you are interested in trying this wax I have a 10lb bag that I would like to get rid of. I tried it and it does have a great throw, but chose the 449 for now instead. I have too many waxes and they are getting piled up. Let me know if your interested.


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It is a one pour. I DO NOT do repours :wink2: . Scent throw seem good but i have not let them sit but 24 hours. When i test wicks I dont really care about throw. I am testing in KY gardina and my own lav/vanilla mix. The vanilla is KY but the lav comes form somewhere else.

I just relit them after going away for a few hours and so far it looks like the 60C is going to be to small and that ECO 10 is struggling i will know more tomorrow evening after about 4 burns.


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HI poocha

if you are interested in trying this wax I have a 10lb bag that I would like to get rid of. I tried it and it does have a great throw, but chose the 449 for now instead. I have too many waxes and they are getting piled up. Let me know if your interested.


Angela...where are you located? I might be interested in that 10lbs of wax. Please e-mail me @ pocha@aol.com with the details

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Patricia...what diameter is the container you are testing in right now? I plan on using the 8oz tins (i've read horror stories about trying to wick these...I guess I'm a masochist!). Thanks for the conintuing updates...I will be waiting for the next one!!!

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the jar is 2.5 inches at the top and at the neck it is 3inches. I only fill to the bottom of the neck. I never had to use over a HTP105 in this jar with KY. In SC where i used to live, some of my scents wicked perfect with the 104's

i wicked that 8oz tin with a 105 in the KY and it did fine. BUT I am using them as wickless candles now.


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Thanks for the info. I have some wick sampler packs coming in (CD, RRD and ECO)...I'm sure I will be busy. I saw your candles on your webiste and they look great! I'm a little intrigued by the concept of the "wickless candle".

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I just started testing the 435 yesterday, and after the first burn, using China Rain fo from BC, with no color, in a 3" tumbler using a 60-44 cotton wick, I am finding it is burning the same. I will know more in a couple days.

I have used the Kysoy125 for years and just love it. However, after going to a seminar on Saturday regarding the Golden Brand waxes, I decided to try the 435 since I can get it locally. The jury is not in yet, but for me to change, it will have to compare to the Kysoy125, or it will be no go.

I will keep you all posted, but so far so good.

HTH :yay:

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This morning i lit the tester again...the ECO8 may do OK it is starting to clean the sides (this was lav vanilla FO my mix) I made a warm vanilla sugar last night and put an ECO 10 in there. I cut the wick to 1/4 inch and lit it so we will see how that one does.

The one I used the 60c in is way to small!! I am going to melt that one down and try a RRD47 in it.


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I just got my ECO wicks yesterday. I will be playing this weekend.

The RRD47's seemed to do good in the Vanilla. The ECO12 needed to be trimmed each burn but melt pool is not to deep I think a ECO10 will work in that scent.

I will update next week after i test a few of the ECO10's


PS I think this wax is close to KY125. I am still undecided but am leaning toward ordering from Peaks next big order.

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Tootie...thanks for the follow-up. I have a 10lb bag waiting for me at the post office. I will start my own testing soon (but I haven't gotten my wicks yet!!). I also have some of the 464 to test...but that is currently not available at anywhere. So far the test results on that one look promising but i realistically would go with the 435 if Peaks doesn't carry it (the 464). Thanks again!!

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Here are my results...

the ECO 10 did good in my jar and cleaned the sides all the way down.

The RRD47 was OK too but need to be trimmed a few times, but not everytime.

Scent throw is about the same from what I can tell.

after my fundraisers I am going to test more and make my decision before my next BIG order goes out.

I asked for the 464 but it has not came yet.....so maybe jason didnt send me any:undecided .

I am also testing the CB30 from Swans and I LOVE this parasoy mix. I am going to use it for SOME scents.


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