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Where do you get your packing supplies?


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Like bubble wrap, boxes etc? I have always sold local to friends & family, but now I am expanding online. Also, who do you use for shipping? I have been looking at UPS, but wanted opinions. Oh yeah, do you get your product liability insurance from your regular insurance carrier? Sorry for all the questions, Im such a newb, LOL! Just want to try to do things right the first time, and I figure you all are the experts! ;)


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I don't buy any shipping materials. I get free boxes from USPS and use the packing materials that come with the loads of crap I buy every week, lol. I have a huge box that's full of packing material. But if you do need to buy some, Staples, Office Max, etc all carry stuff like that.

I use USPS or UPS to ship. I ship USPS if the order is fairly light because it's cheaper. If it is a heavier order, it goes UPS.

I sell bare right now - no insurance for me. I'm also a lawyer-to-be (I gotta pass the Bar, lol), so I'm not too worried about it right now. I also don't sell very much. I don't work at selling, really. Unless I need money to buy something. My business pays for itself, but it is very small. I am mainly selling to friends and family and people at my law school.

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Thanks, I have been selling just to people I know too, so I havent worried about insurance. But now that Im going "big time", lol, Im thinking it is a must. I mean I know the warning labels must provide some sort of protection, and I test and test to make sure everything is perfect, but God forbid some freak of nature occurence should happen and someones house burn down! :lipsrseal I know absolutely nothing about the product liability insurance, so I could be way off. Any advice would be appreciated!

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Look in your telephone book (yellow pages) and see if there is a local packing supplier near you. I was able to purchase a very large bag for like $18.00 and it was way more then what you would get at an office supply store for the same dollar amount. It was so large that it would not fit inside my truck so I had to tie it down in the bed of the truck to keep it from blowing out. When the man told me to tie it down I must have looked at him like he was crazy because he said yes it will blow out of there.

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Angela, how do you get the free boxes??!!

Go to USPS website and you can order packs of boxes. They are free, but it will take a while to get to your house. I order the flat rate boxes and then a couple of other sizes for smaller packages.

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As far as peanuts, bubble wrap etc. you could go to some of your local stores and ask for these. Most stores just throw out ther packing material that come in their shippments. In my town I have found stores that will give it to me for free. They wont hold it for me I have to pick it up when they get a shippment.

That's just something you can look into.

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