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I'll never do that again.


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Whew what a day! I poured some palm pillars (luckily on a plate) and came in to find all the molds leaking. Yikes. I tried for the first time to do some layered palms, and they aren't bad, though not perfect. The wax doesn't even look like palm wax; they look more like rustics. It's really hard not to get an overpour. You can see I did that a lot on the cube. Anyway, here they are.

p.s. This is the first pic I've posted to Candletech, so be gentle!


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Oh, WOW!! I think those look GREAT!! I am not sure I know what the definition of a "rustic" is... I generally work in other media and I have come to treasure the look of hand-crafted items. I don't want to make candles that are absulutely flawless and perfect - there are machines to make things like that. I like human, natural looking things. An artist friend of mine made a remark once that really stuck with me... she said "The beauty is in the flaw."

When pouring layers, depending on the temp of the wax being poured, the layer it is poured on top of, etc., the wax can appear like crystals all the way to absolutely hard, smooth opaque areas. I love that look! Overpours are part of the charm of layered candles and can produce interesting effects that I like.

I hope you WILL do this again... and again... and again!! :grin2:

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They aren't scented. I was just experimenting and wanted to see how they would come out.:)

I'm with you on that strategy ... it totally sucks to make a candle that includes FO only to decide later it's going back in the pot. There have been enough times that the reheated FO makes me feel like I'm breathing particulate matter. I decided to go back to basics while working on technique. FO will come later ... like when they make a palm that has decent hot throw. ;)

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