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Anyone successfully single wick 10oz

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Well because, just as I figured, it is not doing as well on the 3rd burn. I think I need a hair hotter than the RRD47. So I was looking for other suggestions "just in case" I am always one to expect the worst and be ready to deal with it.


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LOL! I see. In that case I would just try the next size up. Do you have any wicks, like the CD, LX or HTP? Those work very well in soy and you have a wider variety in some of them to get exactly the burn you're going for. I personally use HTP's, but have not wicked that particular jar. What is the widest diameter of the jar?

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The diameter is 3.5" I am thinking a RRD50 will do it. I may try the HTP123 (i think that is next up from 105...) I dont want to use the HTP1212 that thing is a torch!!

It is burning now and not drowning but there is wax hangup pretty good about 1/8 - 1/4 inch from the edges. I have a throw but no melt pool to speak of (less than 1/8 inch)


ps I used the heavest oil I have (KY southern vanilla at 7.7 oz wax .5oz FO)

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The diameter is 3.5" I am thinking a RRD50 will do it. I may try the HTP123 (i think that is next up from 105...) I dont want to use the HTP1212 that thing is a torch!!

It is burning now and not drowning but there is wax hangup pretty good about 1/8 - 1/4 inch from the edges. I have a throw but no melt pool to speak of (less than 1/8 inch)


ps I used the heavest oil I have (KY southern vanilla at 7.7 oz wax .5oz FO)

It sound weird, but the size range on HTPs from 105 up go like this: HTP105, 1212, 1312, 126.

If you're using an RRD47, you can jump up to a 50 or 55, which is the biggest. Unfortunately RRDs don't have a wide range of sizes. I never had luck single wicking 10 oz keepsakes, which were called apothecaries at Candlemaker's Store. I would double wick with HTPs or LXs.


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You prolly won't be able to single wick, like Geekrunner said. Soy is a tougher wax to burn and requires different wicking. Everything 3" and up, I normally double wick, and I really like the look of a double wicked jar. A jar like that I would double wick with HTP73 or 83 to start. Any single wick that would come close would probably mushroom like crazy.

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Doesn't it go from HTP 105, 126, 1212 then 1312?

I found a wick chart somewhere that shows the grams/hour consumption rate for HTPs and it shows the 126 as the biggest consumer. I saved a copy on an Excel sheet if anyone wants it. It includes other wicks as well. Just PM me!


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