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Advice ??


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Ok... The soap bug hasn't bit yet... Just wanted to make that clear.. LOL

I enjoy being a tester and hopefully client to many of you.. But..

You guys make it very hard not to want to try them with those beautiful pictures of the soaps.. How dare you do that to candle makers !!!! lol

So... if .. by chance... ( remember bug hasn't bitten yet) I possibly, years down the road ( evil grin) would possibly one day, try a hand at MP soaps ( seems to be the easiest), where would you send me online to get everything I needed.. A soap kit basically is what I am thinking..

Oh wait.. this isnt for me.. This is for a friend.. Yeah yeah.. for a friend:p


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I would tell your friend just to jump in with both feet and try the cp....it really is easier and not as scary as you might think....although by the time you buy all the stuff for the m&p, you will get bitten hard by the cp bug and you will have to start all over again....that is what happened to my friend

So, save some money and go for it! Read Robin's tutorial - for weeks before I actually did cp soap I read and re-read that tutorial till I was ready ... then I was lucky and a very special soap friend - yes mam Bunny that is you - invited me to her house and she made a batch with me watching - when her house didn't explode and she didn't go blind in front of my eyes I knew I could do it! lol


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I finally decided to take the CP plunge, and found a nice little "starter" kit from a very nice lady I've done business with on eBay (yes I am an eBay freak, almost more than being a FOHO. Almost. OK, not really).

She's only taking orders through the 18th, as her DH is changing jobs.

Check her out at:


Superb customer service on everything I've ordered from her.

On the MP front, I got my starter kit from NG.

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Just my opinion...I love Bittercreek North's goatsmilk soap and their kits are really nice to use when you are just learning. Their soap is really nice! When I started melt and pour I wondered about how good the quality would be. I have since participated in the melt and pour swap on this board and the soaps I have tried feel wonderful and even surprised me that they are not CP. There are a lot of creative things to do with it also. But, by all means try CP if you are up to it. I actually tried it for the first time yesturday. I feel less intimidated by it after having done this first batch. I hope it turns out...lol...it's sleeping right now. Good Luck!:)


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would love to try CP - but.. my biggest fear is patience.. I don't have it and don't you have to let that stuff cure for 30 days or something??? I want something that can be used within like seconds.. ok.. maybe not seconds, but within a few days LOL


Well, no, not necessarily. If you want to sell it, yes. You must let it cure. The soap will be much better after curing. It'll be less drying, have better lather, and the bar will be more firm.

I do CPOP, and I use mine the next day when I cut it. Just do the tongue test, and as long as it doesn't zap you, I'd say go for it. I'm impatient too, and there's no way I could wait to use my soap.

If you're doing plain ole CP, I'd say wait 4 days, then try it.

I think a lot of soapers are impatient, so we're not alone. There was recently a thread about this at the soap dish: http://www.soapdishforum.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=28567

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Starting with MP is not a bad idea, especially for those who are impatient. After doing CP all the time and then doing MP for something a little different, I was quite pleased at the seemingly instant gratification of cutting so soon after pouring. :)

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I think I am going to try this .. Just get a M & P kit and start from there. The problem I have is there are so many different types of soap base out there.. I guess I have to try a few and see. All I know is I will need testers LOL


still in denial that the bug didnt bite

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