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Any ideas for decorating Heat Sealable Tea Bags?


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How about putting something heat resistant inside the bag and use the iron-on. That way when you use the iron it won't fuse the whole thing together. Hope that made sense- I know what I mean !!


If your artistic you could paint the bag, again putting cardboard inside so paint doesn't go through.

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You could get some trim ribbon with beads on it and glue the trim around the tea bag. What about just plain ole eyelash trim and glue that on. You could get some tiny beads and sew them around the edges. There are fabric sheets you run through the printer that have sticky backs so you could find a graphic and print something out on it and then adhere it on the bag.

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my thought is some sort of stencil using fabric paint. You could even make your own with some cardboard (i use file folders).

Thats close to what I was thinking. You would use a stamp with the paint... they make custom stamps everywhere now days. You could also do the stencil and use a air brush with paint or maybe even food coloring, like a cake decorator ?? Bruce

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Unless you're going for a country look you could glue flat back crystals on them.

Here's a site that has reasonable prices on them:


Another thing you could do glue ribbbon roses on them. You can buy them at fabric stores like JoAnn's in the ribbon section. Walmart probably has some too.

Here's an example:


You could also use a stencil of something like a heart, or fleur de lis, spray the opening with adhesive, then sprinkle glitter in the opening. Sorry, I don't have a link for this idea.

I think things like that will really glam them up and will allow you to charge a premium price for them.

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Thanks guys...I am going to expiriment this week. I like the rubber stamping or the stenciling idea.

I like the bling bling idea too...but for what I am going to use them for I am afraid the glitter will come off.

And nope...not using them for drawer sachets Heather...I just gave that as another use for them. I have a great market for what I am doing with them here......I will take a pic of my finished product.

Thanks for the ideas everyone!!!!!!

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