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Black jar - help!

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Hi everyone. This is my first post here and I am hoping someone can help. We purchased opaque black jars 20cl and are having a nightmare wicking them!! We use 464 soy wax. Is there anyone here that has successfully wicked a black glossy jar? We tried most CDN wicks, HTP105 & HTP104 with no joy. Can anyone shed some light or offer some advice? Many thanks  

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My apologies for batting back with many questions to help.


What are the jar dimensions? (diameter, height)


What issues are you having? 


What FO? Many wick differently from others.


What % of FO are you using?


How long are you letting them cure?

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Thanks for the reply. We have tried a lot of FO: lime, basil and mandarin, coconut & lime, rhubarb, coffee! None of which have worked. Different % also but mainly 8%. They cure for 3 weeks. The dimensions are: 75mm dia. x 87mm high. I am wondering is it the wax and jar combo. Are the black jars harder to wick because they generate more heat?!  The issue is no hot throw and if we do get one it’s very very slight! 

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HT leads me to suggest different wick series.

I would start with CD. That measurement is inside or outside? If inside, it is close to 3" so I would start with a CD10 or 12.

If the measurement is outside, meaning the actual opening inside is more like 2.5-2.75inches I would start with CD 8 or 10 and go up/down from there. You can stuff a wick into the candle without a tab, or do a wickectomy to pull and replace wick with the tab safely. 


Pick one FO that smells strong in the bottle.

Keep the same % for the next set of tests so you can identify the exact issue with this particular combo.


If CD fail, HTP would be my next choice. ECO may do well in your combo also.


GLass color has never made a difference in my candle tests. Thickness has.

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Others may chime in also. 

if you are buying cd, and can get a sample pack of the whole range that would be great.  Some fo need a bigger wick, some smaller. 
if you’re buying a few sizes, I would also pick up cd14 and cd16, so 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16.

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For around 3" diameter with 464 I used CD10 for lower fragrance loads, and CD12 for 10% load. If you use dyes then you'd probably need the next size up.


TallTayl already gave you the lowdown on everything else.


As far as the hot throw goes, the quality of 464 / 444 and the likes has gone to absolute crap lately, you're not guaranteed to get good smelling candles out of it.


The only soy that is usable to me if I'm desperate is C3. I've had one bad batch in recent times and all of the rest have been great.




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I've seen where people have mixed GW415 and C3, does anyone know how 444 might go with it?  From the thread I read, that combo made for an easier to work with wax, it seemed.  I like how C3 doesn't require as much scent and has good CT/HT, but it has its quirks in some ways.  I think 444 might be a bit easier to work with, but requires more scent than the 6% of the C3 from my own experience.  Would these two mix well?  I'm wondering because I have a little of both, I just haven't done it (yet).

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