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Looking for a Few Good Men....

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Now get your pea sized brains out of the gutter! :shocked2:

Luring people into reading this thread comes from my sales mentality.

I was contemplating adding a mens line to my Bath and Body.

Clean and simple. Black containers- silver foil labels. Something small, maybe a half dozen products. Here are my thoughts.

After shave conditioning creme- (scented or unscented)

After shave splash

Soap~ in designer and natural scents

Hand Cream (scented or unscented)

Lip Balms

Since I want to target the metro male as well as just any man in general, what do you think about these products? I know they are coming out with alot of mens toiletries specifically geared towards the man 18-45. I want to hit all age brackets. So scent selections could be vast. I am thinking like:

All Dupes would be renamed- of course.

Bay Rum- renaming it Gentleman Caller

Hugo Boss


Polo Blue


Kenneth Cole Black

Eternity for Men


Cool Water

Some type of Musk

Patchouli (UGH)

I'd like to hear what the group has to say.

Women- feel free to add your thoughts as well. I put this here because its a high traffic area- mods feel free to move it where you like.

TIA. :smiley2:

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Luring people into reading this thread comes from my sales mentality.

You are too freaking funny.

In my experience the scents that are dupes seem to sell the best for the men folk. But I know some people don't want to use dupes in their line.

As far as moving it... it is a split between B&B and the Business Section. Maybe there needs to be a B&B Business Section. ;)

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Okay, I am all new to this, so I don't have a lot of valuable insite. I can only guage my opinions on what my husband, father and brothers would use.

Love the idea of black containers, I think that would really make them stand out and be noticed. I know if I were shopping for my husband, the black would definately draw me to the product.

After shave conditioning creme- (scented or unscented) - like it

After shave splash - like it

Soap~ in designer and natural scents - like this too. I know this is a dumb idea, but guys used to love the soap on a rope years ago. I am thinking about making some of this for my husband to try, something really moisturizing.

Hand Cream (scented or unscented) - something really thick, creamy and moisturizing (almost like a butter), they are really getting more into this taking care of themselves business these days, more than ever IMO.

Lip Balms - not sure my husband would ever remember to use it. It would be something extra to carry around in his pocket.

Sorry can't be of more help. I am still all new to this, but I really like your ideas.

I think you have some great ideas, like the designer scents. Most men really like to smell good. The packaging sounds fantastic, great idea.

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...comes from my sales mentality.

Really ?

I'd have thought it came from another type of experience... :rolleyes: :whistle:

Anyhooo... I'd suggest rethinking the renameing. Most guys know names, few know the scents. If you can use "dupe" or "type" and the original name, it might serve you better.

Not sure about the black and silver. Certainly strong colors are in order, just not sure about those, since they've been done to death. Maybe you could mix in some red or blue ? Even guys get tried of *everything* being black, after a while. At least I do.

Just some random thoughts.

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Really ?

I'd have thought it came from another type of experience... :rolleyes: :whistle:

Oh look- my first moth has flown into the flame. That was easy. :P

I do appreciate your response. I know alot of men don't know the names of colognes women buy them. So I'll have to give that some thought.

I could also go all silver with the packaging. I haven't decided yet.

Thank you Kaybee- I liked your suggestions as well.

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Okay, in response to your title "Looking for a few good men...", I have to respond with aren't we all!!!!!!! LOL

Now, for the products. I like the black and silver or maybe a blue foil if you can find it. That would be unique.

I know my guys use lip balm. They LOOOVVVVEEEE Shave gel and 2 of them use after shave. The soap on a rope thing is great!!!!!! My guys like lotion but not thick creams. I have to agree. The guys know the names and my oldest especially would qualify as the typical "Metro Male." Hell, I have to go look at Lexus' with him next week. He ruled out the "Beemer" and he's undecided on the Mercedes! :rolleyes2 I guess next will be the Hummer, lol! I think it would be a great idea. Okay Terri, those are my thoughts! :highfive:

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I was contemplating adding a mens line to my Bath and Body.

Clean and simple. Black containers- silver foil labels. Something small, maybe a half dozen products.

I think this is a GREAT idea! I was just telling a manager at B&BW the other day how they were missing a huge market by almost completely ignoring men. Nivea and Neutrogena are doing a decent job but they are just too darned expensive.

I think you are picking the right target group The "metro" guy will be you best market.

Black and silver foil are overdone, in my opinion. I would suggest a teal/turquoise color in foil or maybe a clay red color with hunter green accents.

And if you need a man to test your line just PM me and I will give you my address!! LOL!!!



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Hi there

Before you start formulating and production, I would suggest going to another board ( I really like) that is full of valuable information and insight from guys.


You could check out the Mens grooming...and the Men's Fragrance sections. I have learned a lot there as well as received the BEST recommendations.We have some awesome members that are well informed.

BTW......ANY CREED fragrance (including the Green Irish Tweed) is distinct . The House of Creed is one of the best.

Also try www.caswellmassey.com for some ideas that SELL!

( another note: You have another volunteer to be a tester if you need one:cool2: ...I am an ADDICT)

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OK thank you Michael! :smiley2:

I see I am not up on these mens boards. I am going to check those out.

Plus you will be one of my first testers- I am probably going to formulate a Mens Conditioning After Shave Creme for the Two Birds swap. I have plenty of time, its not due till March 31st.

I'll have to decide on 2 fragrances, please feel free to PM me with your scent suggestions as I don't want to send something that everyone hates.

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I for one think your idea is great. I all ready do things for the men and sell alot as the guys love seeing things for themselves. I just make the labels to go with whatever the fo fragrance is like drakkar, i use a black and white label and the products white and it looks great. zk-1 i go with browns etc. I make a small basket at valentines day with a candle, after shave cologne, hand cream, soaps, etc and they sell great cause its so hard to find what to get for a man on this day. I may just be old but i think black is very classy and will allways stick out in mens products. Lin

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I love the idea of black on silver. I think it's a classy combo that is crisp and understated. I tend to agree about the shower gel vs. soap. I've got two men at home that won't touch a bar of soap to save their lives, but will go through gallons of shower gel like it's going out of style. I need to find a recipe for it myself before they both break me.

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