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LUSH and Corono Virus


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How can anyone in their right mind by products not wrapped at LUSH stores. Before the virus I thought it was gross - 6 years wipes nose with hand picks up bath bomb, but now even worse. I got an email saying they are cleaning stores but what about all the products in the store that are exposed. It makes me crazy!

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I’ve long wondered about that store. Everybody has their  mitts and nose on their beautiful products. Ever watch someone sniff? They shove it up an entire nostril and they get a deep breath. At least they are cleansing products and likely to “kill” most viruses and bacteria before causing health concerns. 

Same goes for craft shows, craft fairs what have you. I’m wondering how many business models will change as a result of this.


more concerning though is the open lotions on their fresh bar. Most of those things don’t have preservatives which is a bigger health risk in my opinion. The whole “chemicals bad”,  “no preservatives” “all natural” crowd needs to take a good hard look at itself. Preservatives, fungicides, bactericaides, etc. in hydrous skin-applied products are a good thing. How people think nothing of eating bread loaded with preservatives but won’t dare put a little lotion with some protective elements on their skin. It boggles my mind.

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6 hours ago, TallTayl said:

How people think nothing of eating bread loaded with preservatives but won’t dare put a little lotion with some protective elements on their skin. It boggles my mind.


LOL. I know, right? 

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6 hours ago, NightLight said:

How can anyone in their right mind by products not wrapped at LUSH stores. Before the virus I thought it was gross - 6 years wipes nose with hand picks up bath bomb, but now even worse. I got an email saying they are cleaning stores but what about all the products in the store that are exposed. It makes me crazy!


No, I stay away from places like that. I don't like open, unprotected products.

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23 minutes ago, TallTayl said:

Well then you have open produce at markets. Where will it end?


i would just love to have faith that people will wash their darned hands!!!


At least with produce, you can easily wash it and I always do mine.


So many times I've noticed in public restrooms where women just do their business and leave, without hand washing! That freaks me out and I take a paper towel and open the door to leave. There's been a couple of times when I've seen restaurant workers do that and I reported them to the manager. So gross!!! 🤢🤮

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15 hours ago, TallTayl said:

Well then you have open produce at markets. Where will it end?


i would just love to have faith that people will wash their darned hands!!!


I don't put produce up to my face and take a deep sniff, and I wash it before using.  Lush encourages putting something in your face and sniffing.  Makeup testers have got to be the WORST.  I may swatch a lipstick tester on my hand, then I go in their bathroom and scrub it off before I leave the store.  But some people apply it their lips and EEEEWWW.  I'm with you on people acting right, but they ain't gonna.  :(

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With produce you to pick it up put it in a bag continue on your way with dirty hands until you get it home and wash it. There’s a lot Of touching it and touching everything else that can spread whatever’s on it. How about open lettuce, or asparagus, or grapes, it has lots a little nooks and crannies. Are you scrubbing it? Do you touch your face at all?


At least with lush products most of it has some sort of surfactant that  will likely disable the viruses and bacteria that touch it. pH plays a part. Soap is washable. Bath bombs get thrown in water And contain fizzing and cleansing agents. You could say self cleansing.


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Given what we know today, we believe it’s our duty as an ethical business to do what we can to slow the spread of this virus and minimize the impact on our hardworking healthcare professionals. As such, we have decided to temporarily close all 258 Lush retail stores across Canada and the US from March 16-29.Because our products are all made fresh by hand weekly for our shops, these closures will also require us to significantly scale down our manufacturing and distribution operations for the duration of the shop closures. We are working through how we can best support our employee base”


I would hope they rethink the stores and product packaging for the future to be more sanitary.

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On 3/15/2020 at 7:11 AM, TallTayl said:

With produce you to pick it up put it in a bag continue on your way with dirty hands until you get it home and wash it. There’s a lot Of touching it and touching everything else that can spread whatever’s on it. How about open lettuce, or asparagus, or grapes, it has lots a little nooks and crannies. Are you scrubbing it? Do you touch your face at all?


At least with lush products most of it has some sort of surfactant that  will likely disable the viruses and bacteria that touch it. pH plays a part. Soap is washable. Bath bombs get thrown in water And contain fizzing and cleansing agents. You could say self cleansing.



I keep hand sanitizers in purse and trucks, so I'm cutting down a good bit of cooties like that.  A few years ago I got sicker than I had been in a while, and I think I picked up a bug from handling a gas pump nozzle.  Since then, I also keep gloves in my trucks for when I'm filling up.  You're never going to eradicate them all, but more than likely I've avoided at least a few colds and flu bouts I could've contacted along the way. 


Looks like Lush is one of the ones now cutting back in order to reduce its traveling around.  This is all awful, but maybe with them and everybody else taking these measures now, not to mention the scientists in overdrive working on cures and vaccines, this thing will be beat.

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True that but no thanks to open products on shelves that have been there for who knows how long. The myth LUSH pushes is made fresh every day, but the products in the stores are not fresh. Tons of open jar testers.

I think in the new world things will be more packaged as they are in Japan.

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