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IGI 6006 + Wooden Wicks

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Hello everyone! Just a quick question to the candle universe from a beginner who is skeptical of YouTube! I have done a ton of research before pouring a drop and I have tested over 50 candles. Decided on these elements based on personal design, ease of use and marketing influences.I am pouring in an 8oz glass tumbler with a 3" diameter with a fragrance load of 10%, no dye. It seems that no matter which wooden wick (testing one today rated below my vessel size, ugh) I use I get a significant amount of soot and smoke and a huge flame (yes I am trimming it! So far down it feels like too much.) I have reduced wick thickness which was a step in the right direction -- but I never get the burn pool they say to look for. The wax eventually catches up about halfway through the burn however, but the jar sides get black. Is this just the paraffin? Cold throw and hot throw are both good. Last weekend we had a very small craft fair in our town and the 100% soy + cotton wick people were shaming me on social media this week about not having a clean burn. I am made as hell and would love to hear feedback from you seasoned veterans out there. Please help! I am being candle-shamed!

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You really need to wick down with wood and paraffin it seems. Don’t shoot for full melt pool so early on and you’ll be “there” in no time. 

to those casting shade, they need to remember that blowing out your candle does not make theirs burn any brighter. 

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I use wooden wick on my 100% soy wax with excellent result.  After I saw your post I tried wooden wick on paraffin wax candle just out of my curiosity, and it did exactly what you have described.  Huge dancing flame producing a lot of soot.  I tried booster wooden wicks only(but both thick and thin).  I even trimmed the wick down to half of soy candle, and the flame was still 3 times bigger than soy candle. 


Wooden wick is very important wick for me, and I am a huge fan.  Because without wooden wick, I would not have my candle business.  But, maybe it might not be for paraffin candle???  I am not an expert on paraffin wax, so I could be totally wrong.  Because name brand candle with best burning characteristic that I know happens to be paraffin wax candle with wooden wick.  It is WoodWick candle with PlusWick.  Their first wooden wick candles were crap, but now they make the best one.


Sorry, without being help to you, I might have gave you more confusion with my information.

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IIRC, the best luck I had using wood wicks in 6006 was with the original dual wick in .5" in a 12oz status jar, which is just a hair over 3" in diameter.  This wick worked pretty well with several  FO's.  Wasn't enough for some of my heavier scents.  I remember selling mostly Pumpkin Pecan Waffles (Tennessee) and Apple Harvest (CS) in this combo.  It was just a short run one fall.  I haven't seriously used them in a while, but I think I'm remembering correctly.  

ETA:  I never used that much FO.  Always keep mine to 6-7% at the most.  Soot wasn't a problem unless the wick wasn't trimmed.  Thinking back, they actually burned pretty good.  I was just always skeptical of relying on the customer to trim properly. 

Edited by bfroberts
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6006 is extremely picky. You will have to experiment with wood in the 0.2 booster / 0.3 thickness ranges, and unfortunately they are not easy to get from anywhere except the wooden wick co. themselves. All of the stores mainly sell the 0.4 or dual 0.2 thickness which is too much for most paraffin type waxes. It will black smoke 90% of the time unless you use a slim width one but then it won't be a very big melt pool.


I'd suggest getting the sampler pack if you really want to find a decent one for 6006.



Just bear in mind that wooden wicks are not very consistent in the thickness ranges under 0.4,  so if you want perfection in every candle you should avoid wood in that wax.



Edited by ErronB
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