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New label design - UPDATED


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This is a new container and label that I'm trying out. I want it to be simple but kind of elegant too. I'm not happy with the label at all. Tell me what's not working please. :confused: Any and all suggestions welcome. Don't hold back. ;)

Also, adding a pic of the yummy butter.

Just added another picture .... What do you think??



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I don't do B&B so maybe this is typical but I want to see the company name / logo on the label. Maybe increase the size of the scent and decrease the size of Body Butter. Does everyone who will see your jar know what body butter is used for? Maybe say Body Butter for softer skin or whatever. Nothing on your label pops out and says buy me. It all depends on how you market your products. If you are selling at shows or farmers market so you can explain the uses, etc it probably isn't important. But if you plan on selling this in a store you need something that grabs the customer's eye. JMHO

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All you can really read on the label is " Body Butter" I don't have a business but, I shop alot . The things that I want to know about a body butter would be like, " with shea and mango " , "100% natural", "handmade"," made with calming lavender". Those are the types of things that would peak more interest in your product. Right now where I live, everybody is after the natural, handmade &oh" organic! "( I forgot that one) products. One more thing maybe a little color on the label ? Oh,The butter looks fabulous :)

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I would add company name, make body butter smaller, add if it is 100% shea etc. I love black and white labels, I go for more of the pharmaceutcal (spellling) look, but you need more info on the label. I didn't notice but you can add fragrance, you have to have weight etc


EDIT: I see you have the fragrance listed. Maybe put company name where the fragrance is listed

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I like simple. I'll assume all the other required things are on the back label.

It needs a bit of a design to catch the eye. Maybe a border or a rectangle on one side, or a stripe of color at the top or bottom. What do all your other product labels look like? Do they have a color you could pull in for a stripe, or a design that could be done in outline form and softened?

A design doesn't have to be much, it can just be a line that grabs the eye..

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I like it. I don't think that you need your logo on the front, as long as you have it on the back label with the ingredients. Also on the "back" label you will need to list the INCI of the ingredients in order. Like Robin said, maybe a border around the label but I don't think you need anything else. Most people who are looking for body butter knows what it is but on the back you could put a blurb about how to use it

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Thank you all for your feedback. This one is still a work in progress as the butter isn't quite ready to sell yet either but I wanted to get a label designed and ready for when it is.

All info such as ingredients, directions of use and all my company info will be on the back of the jar. I really want to keep the front label clean (if that makes any sense) but it's just not popping like I wanted it to. I may try adding a border or something that will draw the customers in. ;)

Great suggestions! I will post a new picture once I'm done tweaking the label.

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