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Hi, I've been pouring candles about three years now..I usually pour in my kitchen but I just spent two weekends re-grouting my counter tile and it was the wax that made this job torturous. I was a fan of clean wax and now they're out of business...I have a couple large bags of Cargill Wax but since I've usually used pre-blended anyone here know what I should do in the way of additives..this is new territory for me. Also..anyone know what can lift the big pink spot I have on my new floor? I dropped red powdered dye and this pink spot is in the middle of the kitchen floor which prompts "ole stinkeye" my hubby to hrumph quite a bit..glad I found you guys hope to stay arond for a long time...ann marie

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Also..anyone know what can lift the big pink spot I have on my new floor? I dropped red powdered dye and this pink spot is in the middle of the kitchen floor which prompts "ole stinkeye" my hubby to hrumph quite a bit..glad I found you guys hope to stay arond for a long time...ann marie
Rub cooking oil on the pink stuff to dissolve it, then clean it off with some dishwashing detergent and water.
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I only know a little about the Cargill wax. I tried it first, tested it for 2 months and I think I got a bad batch, so I never tried it again. It is a soy wax, but you didn't specify if it was C1, C2, C3 or the votive or pillar wax. You might also try posting this in the veggie section, as there are several that use the Cargill waxes. I know like with any soy, it has it's quirks, and it needs at least a week cure time to throw well. Sorry I can't help more.

Also, welcome to the board! :yay:

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thanks robin...I really did love clean wax and I'm sure I single handedly put them out of business...they were offering 50lbs of wax for $40.00 total one pillar and one container to a home..and I had all of my friends getting wax delivered to their homes for me..I mean 30 or 40 friends each ordering 100lbs of wax..now they're out of business and I can't help feeling guilty..I'm a fan of flakes rather than slabs and I can't find any other granulated wax that I like as much as clean wax...thanks for all of the welcomes, I'm sure I'll be around for a while...take care all, ann marie

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