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Two little problems

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(1) I poured a container with CB-Soy for the first time today. It's curing now, and I've noticed there is a strange, large sinkhole forming around the perimeter of the candle. It's not like the 'funnel' you get when you need to make a repour on certain types of wicks. It's got a jagged edge; almost like a baby punched the inside of the candle. Any idea what that could be?

(2) I'm having a little problem with my dye separating, which is really weird! The dye doesn't seem to be blending well with the wax. I'm using dye chips and I'm wondering if I should switch to liquid dye for better blending. What's odd is that this just started happening, so I think I'm doing something wrong (adding the dye at the wrong time perhaps). Any suggestions?

By the way, I'm a newbie so please excuse me if these questions are really elementary or obvious. Be gentle with me.:yes:

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Welcome to the board :)

I know very little of soy so I can't help, but you might get a better response if you post this over on the veggie section...

Thank you. I should have specified that problem #1 applies to Soy, but problem #2 applies to Paraffin. So I just posted it here.:)

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Regarding # 2. Just wondering at what temperature you're adding the dye chips as that MAY be having an effect. Also, what ratio of chips to wax are you using, eg. 1 chip to 1 lb of wax? My thought is that maybe you are adding more dye than the wax can take. These are purely guesses as I haven't experienced this problem myself and hopefully someone else will chip in (pardon the pun) with something less nebulous to answer your question.

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(2) I'm having a little problem with my dye separating, which is really weird! The dye doesn't seem to be blending well with the wax. I'm using dye chips and I'm wondering if I should switch to liquid dye for better blending.
Is it like little dots? It's not unusual for certain colors of chips to have undissolved dye power in them. It takes time and heat, but often they are very hard to get rid of.

The manufacturer doesn't mind making a crappy product. The undissolved sediment is supposed to be filtered out but they don't bother. The color blocks are the same as the chips. Liquid dyes don't have that problem.

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I'm not sure if this is the same color problem as you are having, but I have been having a problem with the color separating after I burn a candle and it cools off. It forms layers color-white-color!

I, too, am a newbie, so this maybe a very very basic mistake I am making but any advice is welcome!



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As far as that white layer goes: When I first started testing different soy waxes I found that some of them did that a lot, and some didn't much at all. Some would form a white "chalky" line at the base of the melt pool when it rehardens after a burn. I found that with some soys you can add the Universal Additive (sometimes called Panalite) at 1 - 3 tsp/lb, and it will eliminate that problem (like with ADM soy). With others, the UA made no difference (like NG soy).

As for the initially posted issues:

I personally haven't tested CB Soy, but you could try pouring a little cooler - that might eliminate your sink hole. I haven't worked with paraffin in over five years, so I can't answer that color question too well. All I can suggest is to chop your color chips really fine with a knife or razor blade, and stir them in really well, before adding your fragrance oil.

It may take a bit of testing before you find a soybean wax that you are happy with. Good luck!


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