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For All You New Soapers


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All kinds of funky things happen, this is a re-post from last summer. Never figured out what

happened. Overheated badly, even after 24 hours. I tried to peel the liner off and this was the result:


Let the goo harden for 24 hours, shredded it up, rebatched and added some blue shreds.


My point is that weird things happen, even if you've been doing this for a long time. I'm seeing

a lot a great stuff from new soapers and I want you to keep your cheins up, LOL!


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LOL, not my intent at all! I love all you new soapers! Best tip I can give you is as soon as the oils turn from clear to opaque, trace is starting and will continue even if you are not mixing. Aim for very thin pancake batter and you shold be good to go. Have fun!


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LOL!!! Reminds me of horrible pie I baked once! This doesn't make me feel any better about trying my first CP tonight, my dear!!! You have frightened me now...where's grumpy girl? She'll get me nerves back to normal!

Not Grumpy Girl, but, um, maybe close enough?? Rah Rah Sis-boom-bah... Spellkast can CP Rah Rah Rah!!! How's that for encouragement???

Make sure you post your 1st CP soap pics! You can do it!!!

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Just another story to make y'all feel better..I attempted a batch last night that absolutely WOULD NOT trace...after almost 4 hours, I gave up, got torked and tossed it!! I was so mad. I've researched it a lot since last night lol, and have determined that it was most likely the lye and oil temps..I had pre mixed the lye and it wasn't warm enough, and I dont' think i had the oils warm enough either...ahh well...I learned a lot from it, and even some tricks to attempt if it ever happens again. It was gonna be my purdiest batch EVER I just KNOW it!! :P

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Prairieannie...your lye can be room temp and if you are using only olive oil it can be at room temp as well, if using other "hard" oils they only have to be warm enough to keep them "liquified".

When I make my olive oil soap I make everything at room temp.

Just an FYI on oil/lye temps, they don't have to be 100 degrees etc for future reference.

Like yours, My first batch never traced either, I stirred for hours, I finally threw it in a mold and next day it was soap:yay: Go figure


Just another story to make y'all feel better..I attempted a batch last night that absolutely WOULD NOT trace...after almost 4 hours, I gave up, got torked and tossed it!! I was so mad. I've researched it a lot since last night lol, and have determined that it was most likely the lye and oil temps..I had pre mixed the lye and it wasn't warm enough, and I dont' think i had the oils warm enough either...ahh well...I learned a lot from it, and even some tricks to attempt if it ever happens again. It was gonna be my purdiest batch EVER I just KNOW it!! :P
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I had a batch turn out like that almost the same color. I kept it on the paper and tried to mash it back in the mold. I kept it there for weeks. Then cut its spong like self into large bars to alow for shrinkage. It smelled so good but looked like goo. It did dry and make a cake like textured soap. Strange indeed. I thought it was the FO or the liquid color I used that caused it. Did you ever know what caused it for you?

Dang what a save. Yours looks much better in the end.

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Did you ever know what caused it for you?

It was during very hot and humid weather. Even after 24 hours, that batch was VERY warm. If I left it alone for another day, it just might have turned out ok. The goo was a surprise to me. I figured I'd left it out of the mold to help cool it.

Never, ever, saw anything like it, that's for sure, but it turned out to be nice soap!


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This is what you call BAD KARMA!!!:mad:


I even added my FO to the oils PRIOR to the lye to get a bit more playtime. I knew it would react fast, but MAN i did NOT think it would come out looking like THAT!

FYI: It still looks like that til I feel like messing with it!

Yum...it looks like peanut butter fudge..eveything on this board looks like food

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Great E, Sharon, you should have thrown that puppy right in the oven.

Are you serious? Dammit, I was being so stubborn that night..trying to search the entire stupid internet to figure out what causes it, and how to fix it LOL..and if I would have just came here, I probably could have come up with my quick fix and saved the whole batch. Grrrrrrrr.

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as soon as the oils turn from clear to opaque, trace is starting and will continue even if you are not mixing.


Oh, yeah!!!! And I especially like the part about the pancake batter. It took me a loooong time to figure that one out. I used to think just a little thicker would be better, lol!

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Wow, thanks for the heads up. I remember seeing that loaf in my journey around the board one night. I think I'd have been very pissed off, but you did a very nice save. It reminds me of cherry pie filling. mmmm, yummah!

I figured out the very thin pancake batter thing during my first batch. I guess being a cook helps with this type of stuff, it did for me anyway. My first batch came out a little thick, but now I know what to look for, and the "resistance" I feel from the stick blender while manually stirring tells me when it's ready to go in the mold. I shoot for a pretty thin trace because I prefer pouring early before I end up having to goop it in the mold from farting around with colors too much.

I haven't rebatched yet, but I want to learn how to do it. It looks kinda cool. I will have to invest in one of those salad shooter thingies though, I'm lazy.

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